This is a 20 minute workout led by Fitness Instructor, Jenny McClendon, MS, PT – great for beginners and seniors. It’s cardiovascular and similar to the old times of “jazzercise” and adding on type of [More]
Subscribe to the channel for more videos with exercises to lose belly fat for men: Exercises To Lose Belly Fat After 50 – Hey guys, in this video tutorial for how to lose belly [More]
As we age, physical activity helps us attain our goals, maintain our functioning and promote comfort. In addition, routine exercise can help reduce arthritis pain, improve mood, sleep and blood sugar control, as well as [More]
This short home workout is designed for seniors or for anyone looking for something a bit lighter. Take care when exercises and if you don’t already exercise regularly take it slowly at first. I hope [More]
30 minute GET FIT fast pace fat burning indoor walking workout for beginners & women over 50! walk 2 miles or 2.8 km burn 340 calories and walk 3500 steps in this fast paced indoor [More]
There are muscle gaining mistakes that can affect anyone of any age that lifts weights, and then there are those that are even worse when you get to be 40 years old. In this video, [More]
Developed by the therapists in the Chronic Pain Service (now called the LEAP Service) at Toronto Rehab, Rumsey Centre. This 25 minute chair yoga routine was created to provide you with a gentle exercise option [More]
5 Exercises All Seniors Should Do Daily YouTube Channel: Website: Bob & Brad demonstrate 5 exercises that all seniors should do every day. These exercises don’t take long, and they offer three variations [More]
Chair Yoga invites you to find mobility in a way that is soft and gentle but also really supportive and beneficial. This 17 minute practice invites awareness and integrity into the body, specifically the line [More]