How to Build Bicep Tendon Strength in 5 minutes.
Choose 1 out of 3 or all 3 out of 3 exercises for 5-15 minutes of work every other day. Be consistent for at least 4-8 weeks to see progress.
Perform Better Minibands:
00:00 Intro
00:36 Tendon Science
02:19 Collagen Synthesis
02:50 Exercise #1: Open Can Isometric
05:44 Exercise #2: Preacher Curl with Isometric
06:58 Exercise #3: Shoulder External Rotation Isomeric
08:55 Review
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Information contained in this video or otherwise provided by The Movement System is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Always consult with a medical professional before making changes to your exercise routine.
This video does not have any affiliation with, or any recognition, sponsorship, or endorsement by, the NSCA. CSCS® and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® are registered trademarks of the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
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Got any advice on strengthening you back tendons with isometrics?
Love your content. Strange you mentioned an exercise "floor press" without an explanation or visual
The singular of biceps is biceps.
You have to make a video on calorie intake for tendon repair and strengthening
This is game chaining advice 🙏
Visco elastic creap
I have the exact pain he is describing, but I don't see how it can be the bicep tendon when I get zero pain from bicep curls or supinating the forearm?
can i do these exercises to prevent the biceps from ripping? ive seen many videos of ppls biceps tendon ripping and now im bloody terrified to train biceps
Ty for this vid.
Left biceps is crook for some time.
I assume I don't need to be injured to do this and still reap the benefits. Am I Correct?
Suffered from bicep/elbow tendonitis for an eternity from overdoing chin ups until I tried the similar exercises you put out in a previous video on this subject. Vey happy to report that they seemed to help fix it (especially the first exercise)and it is no longer a problem. Thanks so much! Could a similar approach be used for other tendons too….like hip flexors?
Shtrenth, shtrech, nerrow, unershtand, demidge, ekshercise, ken (can)… American language sounds almost like English 🤔
Can you make a video on how to strengthen the Tfcc wrist? Common sports injury
Achilles tendon version plz
Is there something like this for Supraspinatus tendon strength?
How about the tendon and the lower bicep to the forearm give us a video on that please when you get a chance thank you for all your work.
People would LOVE to know YOUR answer to TENNIS ELBOW. 💪
would you also reccomend doing this protocol if my goal is just strengthening the tendons?(without any further injury)
Do you treat all tendinopathy cases using the visco elastic creep method?