Stoke patients commonly ask how long it will take to regain function and strength following a stroke. While it depends largely on the extent of damage caused by the stroke initially, Mark Tornero, MD, a [More]
Sciatica is caused by impingement or pinching of the sciatic nerve which sends pain down the sciatic distribution in the leg. A major way for the sciatic nerve to get pinched by a disc prolapse [More]
How To Walk With Confidence And Take Bigger Strides Parkinson’s Warrior Series with Lauren | Class #1: Gait PFP Lead Instructor, Lauren Lewis, introduces a NEW Standing Series to make your exercise routine more FUN! [More]
Try this oil massage for 14 days and you will see the amazing difference! Recommended oil for massaging face: My other videos: -FACE LIFTING EXERCISES 10 min a day and look 10 [More]
Understanding what puts you at risk for a fall and being prepared if one does occur can bring peace of mind and potentially prevent injury. This video will bring light to practical ways you can [More]
ACL rupture is a common sports injury that requires surgical reconstruction. The longer you delay in having surgery the more damage you suffer; our goal is to have you in surgery within 48 hours of [More]
Take It Outdoors: Mindful Movement | DeDe | 8.24.23 Gaze into the Pacific Ocean with DeDe in this Take It Outdoors: Mindful Movement class. You will perform intermediate-level gentle yoga postures that will increase your [More]
To give ourselves the best chance to play good tennis we need to have good mobility and strength and in this video you have one of the top fitness coaches Sarah explains 6 exercises we [More]
Take charge of knee arthritis! Do the SIT on your BUTT EXERCISE! Brighten up your Health this summer with Achieve Integrative Health! Schedule an Initial Exam today – #achieveintegrativehealth #anythingisachieveable #acupuncture #qraacupuncture #neurologyacupuncture #acupuncturist [More]
How bad would things get if you never took your contacts out? You can probably imagine the discomfort that would come from leaving them in for days, but what about weeks, or months, or even [More]