Falls are a leading cause of injury among older adults and the loss of their mobility can be devastating. The UConn Center on Aging offers programs aimed at not only rehabbing after a fall but [More]
Download the infographic to follow along: https://bit.ly/3Ir5MED Falls are one of the leading causes of injury and death for senior citizens. However, you don’t have to fall prey to slips and falls. By exercising, you [More]
Aside from very young children, the group with the highest rate of injuries are seniors over 85 years of age. Injuries and accidents, falls in particular, are incredibly common and all-too-dangerous for older adults. In [More]
Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among seniors. Learn more about your risk for falls and how you can stay on your feet! TMH.ORG/Falls
This video is part 2 of the fall prevention video. It includes a demonstration on an exercise you can do to increase your balance. Check out part 1 for tips about fall prevention.
This video shows the falls prevention and rehabilitation clinic exercise program developed by the Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto’s Sunnybrook Day Hospital Team. The video was made several years ago and has poor graphic qualities. [More]
Weakness or problems with equilibrium are conditions that may lead to falls. Learn about fall prevention and treatment options for conditions that may impact balance. Join physical therapist Ash Wadhawan, to learn about fall prevention [More]
Want to practice and learn more to prevent falls? HSS offers livestream exercise and movement classes. Improve your health with the world’s leading hospital specialized in musculoskeletal health today! Sign up here: https://www.hss.edu/community-education.asp Preventing falls [More]
September 18-24 is Fall Risk Prevention Week. Please join The Hospitals of Providence as we discuss the importance of fall prevention and raise awareness to help reduce the risk of falls.