To subscribe to 3-Tip Friday, Will’s free weekly email where he shares his best health tips, new videos and fascinating research, go here: Order a copy of Will’s NEW book, Thriving Beyond Fifty (2024 [More]
Are you over 70 and wondering if it’s time to slow down your intense exercise routine? Discover why you should stop exercising so much after 70 and focus on three life-changing practices that promote longevity, [More]
Order a copy of Will’s NEW book, Thriving Beyond Fifty (2024 edition), on Amazon here: Get access to the exclusive “Ultimate Guide to Building Muscle & Strength Over Age 50” video bonus for FREE [More]
✅ Text me the word “pain” to +13177519509 and I will send you a free back pain fix demo so you can learn our “Centralization Process” and get pain-free! Submit an application to work with [More]
As we grow older, our mobility may decrease, and walking might not be as easy as it once was. But don’t worry—there are 9 simple and effective activities you can do instead to stay active, [More]
#backpain #backpainrelief If you are tired of dealing with that nagging pain and discomfort in your middle back. And everything you try like stretching, sitting up straight or foam rolling only temporarily relieves the pain. [More]
You suffer from knee pain or your patellar tendon hurts? Then these 4 Liebscher & Bracht exercises can help you reduce your pain in 10 minutes. Do the exercises against knee pain with the guidance [More]
Ready to solve forearm pain? These 3 unique exercises will help balance your forearm muscles and release tissue tension. But whatever you do, stop stretching. It only helps the tissue that is already pliable. Instead, [More]
Don’t make this major hip pain mistake. It’s literally the worst thing for hip pain and will guarantee your hip pain will get worse. Plus, I want to show you a simple follow along workout [More]
Bob and Brad demonstrate heel stretches you should and shouldn’t do. Website: Youtube Channel: Bob and Brad Amazon Store: Bob (the tall one) has been diagnosed with Ataxia. It affects his balance [More]