Want to attack a major root cause of knee pain while building hamstring strength? These five at-home exercises will put you on the road to pain-free knees. You’ll learn why stretching won’t work to loosen [More]
Experience the best Chair Workouts! Full 30 Minute Workouts available on the Chair One Fitness app! Download and enjoy 30 days FREE! Cancel anytime. Choose your from low or high intensity and pick from a [More]
We just had a young, male lacrosse player with “lightning” in his hamstring. An MRI confirmed he had a Grade 2 biceps femoris (one of the hamstring muscles) strain. He got PRP done (which causes [More]
Content with today’s workout as I can feel my strength coming back fast. Today I hit top set of 130kg followed by back off sets of 110kg 5×3. Subscribe @Docwholiftsnrides and stay tuned. Big Numbers [More]
The three main causes of Sciatic Nerve Pain are a bulging disc, DDD (Degenerative Disc Disease)/stenosis, and piriformis syndrome. It’s important to get a proper diagnosis to know where it’s coming from because the treatment [More]
Prevent Falls Neuro-Balance Therapy