Thankfully, sciatica is usually not a serious condition, even if the pain is very high! However, there are rare situations which rare more serious and require immediate medical attention: 1. Cauda Equina Syndrome – Loss [More]
✅ Get a free demo of our back pain cure “Centralization Process”, by clicking here! Join my free Facebook group for our sciatica guide! Submit an application to work with us 1:1 and [More]
This test can be used to determine if the sciatic nerve may be the cause of pain in the back, buttocks or legs. For more information on sciatica visit:
release tension in your ✨ hips ✨ and legs with this short routine ❤️ INSTAGRAM 👉🏼 💦 SECRET LINK 👉🏼 Music: Yugen Musician: Jeff Kaale
Eliminate sciatic nerve pain with these 5 great stretches you can do at home! No more numbness, tingling, or pain as you relieve sciatica symptoms with these effective stretches. Physical therapist shows you stretches for [More]