Half Kneeling Row Spastic Arm #exercise #rehabilitation #youtubeshorts #physicaltherapy #rehab This is one of my favorite exercises for later-stage post-stroke rehab! The half-kneeling position is a great way to target the hip stabilizers. The chair [More]
** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is [More]
Learn the correct way to get up from a chair and in the process build leg strength. Critical Video for rehabilitation on motor control: https://youtu.be/HIrSWm70MBo Core max video: https://youtu.be/HJn-XcnMXnQ Video with shoulder stretches (also includes [More]
Spasticity occurs due to damage to the brain or the spinal cord (upper motor neuron). It causes involuntary muscle contractions due to hyperexcitability of the stretch reflex. You can manage this problem conservatively including stretching, [More]
Sign Up To Join Our Next Live! Get your specific questions answered! SIGN UP FOR FULL ACCESS TO OVER 350+ EXERCISES https://rehab-hq.com/exercise-vault-sign-up/ Ways to support this channel: To Purchase An Electrical Stimulation device: https://carex.com/collections/tens-units/products/stimchoice-4000-tens-unit-and-ems-muscle-stimulator? Use [More]
Our PASSION is to empower people who are recovering from a stroke to LIVE THEIR BEST LIFE! Visit us at https://www.orlandoneurotherapy.com/ Follow us at: https://www.facebook.com/orlandoneurotherapy/
Ways to support this channel: To Purchase An Electrical Stimulation device: https://carex.com/collections/tens-units/products/stimchoice-4000-tens-unit-and-ems-muscle-stimulator? Use Code REHABHQ15 for 15% off Visit the Rehab HQ store on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/rehabhq SIGN UP TO GET ACCESS TO REHAB HQ EXERCISE [More]