Download the infographic to follow along: Falls are one of the leading causes of injury and death for senior citizens. However, you don’t have to fall prey to slips and falls. By exercising, you [More]
Joe presents with right-sided hemiparesis with balance and coordination deficits. Hemiparesis is weakness or the inability to move on one side of the body, making it hard to perform everyday activities. Lauren shares exercises and [More]
Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among seniors. Learn more about your risk for falls and how you can stay on your feet! TMH.ORG/Falls
This video is part 2 of the fall prevention video. It includes a demonstration on an exercise you can do to increase your balance. Check out part 1 for tips about fall prevention.
In this video, Dr. Christopher Caulfield from HealthTexas Medical Group talks about preventative falls and how seniors can prevent falling and cause injury. In our new partnership, HealthTexas and KSAT, we bring you the Keeping [More]
Louise Peffer talks about the role of a physiotherapist in helping to prevent falls in older people. For online courses, resources and information about falls prevention in older people visit:
Doctor’s can play an important role in helping prevent falls. Learn more at: According to the CDC, more than one in four older adults fall each year, but fewer than half discuss it with [More]
This video shows the falls prevention and rehabilitation clinic exercise program developed by the Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto’s Sunnybrook Day Hospital Team. The video was made several years ago and has poor graphic qualities. [More]
Want to practice and learn more to prevent falls? HSS offers livestream exercise and movement classes. Improve your health with the world’s leading hospital specialized in musculoskeletal health today! Sign up here: Preventing falls [More]