The ONLY 5 Exercises You Need To Do AFTER Age 40

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The ONLY 5 Exercises You Need To Do AFTER Age 40

Watch this video about Plank variations NEXT 👇

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@johnguest4525 says:

Its wise to include an inverted row /Australian pull up for the back and an overhead press which could be a pike push up progression.

@isabelleboulay2651 says:

many don't have the strength to hold a plank. Try having a 200lbs older person do it….. not happening

@thematt5325 says:

Well arent pushups just extreme planks?

@gidave says:

Lifting and aerobic exercises to build muscle, strengthen bones, and improve cardio.

@zzludzz says:

Well, older than that 😳
But hopefully they will work for me if keep at it for the long run; do need rehabilitation exercises in my training if you will 👍

@bronxlords says:

These are not the only 5

@Fitnessjourney120 says:

What a great content. I appreciate it 😊

@CharlesAdwell says:

Be sure to add the horse stance to my exercise rotini

@pardumankahlon5946 says:

Highly effective exercises for core strength and flexibility 🎉

@nazishparveen3711 says:

Yes it is real exercises to transform your body

@darth_batman8190 says:

I am really enjoying this channel. Curious? I rarely take days off from the gym or doing a workout of some sort. Say I have a routine of M-F with Monday for back, Tuesday for shoulders, Wednesday for chest, Thursday for legs, and Friday is arms day. I will then typically focus on stretching on the weekends with cardio and using "my weight to workout." Like push-ups and pull-ups. I typically don't have a rest day. And if I avoid the gym, I will go on a long walk of a few miles. Do I need a rest day? I generally take a day off a month where I do "nothing," but I find it hard to not hit my exercise goals.

@WorkoutWonders101 says:

Great video as always! The horse stance definitely deserves its place in this list!

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