5 min yoga routine for sciatica

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@jamesheath8594 says:

Thank you miss Charlie you rock I really appreciate this it will really help! ✌️

@kevinkrochak2546 says:

Thank you! Your entire presentation is so well done!

@kirrabrown1440 says:

This was super helpful. Thank you!! 🙏🏽

@ewelinasosnowska385 says:

Thank you! That's what I need! Any joga for lower back pain will be highly appreciated . You're awesome 🎉

@alexandrademitrack6275 says:

where is this!!???

@aashishrana6328 says:

Thank you ma'am, for educating us about practices that can heal us of modern ailments gripping our bodies.

@blueberryyogini says:

I need to do these everyday just to keep my hips loose AND out of pain, even without sciatica.

@nocturnus009 says:

Props to Props, for they are the collaborator asanas need when the range of motion is not where we aspire presently.

@Mashmans says:

That seated twist where you tuck your heel under should be great, usually I tuck the heel out. I'll try it both ways today =)

@faustovivanco5151 says:

Saludos gracias. ❤

@hannazarowska5407 says:

Thank you Charlie for anatomy explenation🧘‍♀️🖐️

@cryptoenthusiast4999 says:

You must have been reading my mind. Thanks for this, Charlie.

@YJRYVF says:

the best❤❤❤

@ji-yeonlee4789 says:

I needed this! Thank you Charlie. Many friends in my age have this problem… will definitely share with them ❤

@EastTennesseeRocks says:

Have a beautiful day Miss Charlie

@marcobaldiviezo790 says:

Thank you…!!! ❤

@tracystoermer9638 says:

Can you help me modify twisted postures? I have a MUCH larger stomach than I ever had previously in my yoga journey, and it's been disheartening to feel like my body is in its own way 😮‍💨😢

@Sjk123001 says:

Do you have to use a strap? I can do most without a strap

@some.metime8344 says:

Does also salabhasana help with sciatica??

@scalarsailor3769 says:

I assume one would do each of these on both sides?

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