Biceps Tendonitis? Treat the Cause!

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When treating bicep tendonitis, it’s just as important to treat the cause as it is the symptoms themselves. Here’s a biceps tendonitis exercises that doesn’t involve the biceps tendon!

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Your Wellness Nerd is my way of trying to offer a new perspective on pain, injury, and daily function based entirely on what I’m finding relevant in the clinic day-to-day as a Physiotherapist. I’m a HUGE nerd about optimizing human function and performance and sincerely hope to provide the “a-ha!” moment you didn’t realize you were looking for.

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@col8353 says:

I have it in lower bicep not too part it’s irritating as hell. Everything seems to be about the top of bicep and shoulder.

@recipehacker9752 says:

Good job, mate. Could you please post on how to deal with the soft tissue ailments associated with cycling. I was a hardcore mtn biker for many years and from all that riding, i really racked up overuse injuries. Ex: Chronic pain in the shoulder blades (especially along the lateral border of both scapula), chronic pain in legs (in my vastus medialis), and chronically tight upper thighs (that will even start twitching with slight manual compression). Cheers!

@_sal.garfi_ says:

I need help. it’s been months of this pain.

@smitajal9565 says:

Hi Grant, i just tried this and man it did work womders for me…going slow and will keep repeating gradually. Thank you

@FindNShare says:

The cause might be hip imbalance

@Das0000 says:

Warning! Do not strech your bicep tendon. You can stretch other muscles but do not try to stretch your biceps, as it can lead to more pain and inflammation in the bicep tendon. There are many exercises in YouTube you can see. And remember if it causes pain or discomfort above 3 maybe even above 2 out of 10 stop the exercises and see where is the problem: see if you perform it correctly, or if your pain is still acute to even train with it or just do another exercise that involves the same muscle. Also the reason could be you are still a beginner and need a lighter version of the exercise

I am not a doctor or anything but I learned this from YouTube and with some experience. Listen to your body. Once again don’t take my advice as an order or smth like that just consider what I am saying

@austinstark7831 says:

What if my shoulder is popping and clicking during external rotation?

@zachforbes3901 says:

Good information, but maybe also make sure people know that might not be the only reason that they have less space in their shoulder joint

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