FIX Your KNEE PAIN With A TOWEL! (5 Science-Backed Exercises)

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Got knee pain? One of the most effective ways to relieve knee pain is by strengthening the muscles around the knee and hips—and you don’t even need to hit the gym or do high-impact exercises to get results.

These simple isometric exercises were shown in studies to reduce knee pain and improve knee function in just 5 weeks! 💪🦵

Here’s what to do:

#1: Leg Extension
#2: Leg Raise
#3: Leg Squeeze (Hip Adduction)
#4: Leg Pull (Hip Abduction)
#4: Glute Bridge

✅ Hold each isometric contraction for 5-10 seconds
✅ Perform 3 sets of 10 reps for each exercise
✅ Do this 5 days a week

Bonus Exercise: To boost results, add in some cycling 🚴‍♂️—either as a warm-up or at a different time of day. Cycling increases blood flow to the knee joint, promotes healing, and is a great low-impact cardio option to strengthen the knee without the risk of injury. Plus, it helps with fat loss, which further reduces knee pain!

These exercises are perfect for beginners and a great starting point. Once you’ve mastered them, we can increase the difficulty and add more variation—but we’ll save that for another video! 😉

Shoutout to YT user @IDK-cc2ev for the inspiration!

Referenced study:

Joint 360:

Primal Fitness Bundle:
Primal Abs:
Double Your Flexibility:



@conradheadley1251 says:

Acupuncture is excellent for treating knee pain

@kilometersnoblue4311 says:

Hey if you dorks ever come to Denton again let me know, I’m djing at some spots for Halloween.

– your old dj parkour buddy from 2010-2012

@ArtheniaPendragon says:

Glad to see y'all back!

Do you happen to have any videos, or any tips, for stretching/relieving mid to lower back tension? Its been so long since I've been on this channel. I have scoliosis and just lost the one massage therapist who was good at working it out

@eliaspohl5741 says:

Are you planning to do collabs?
For example, Dr. Mike would be amazing

@eliaspohl5741 says:

You 2 are the first yt channel i subbet YEARS ago.
Im happy you're back❤

@crimsondragon9592 says:

Hey, I used to watch your videos a long time ago and took part in I think was the Get Fit Challenge #3

I’m trying to get in shape again and remembered that challenge got me in really good shape really quick. Good to see y’all are still uploading videos.

@GrifoStelle says:

Actually, before you get flooded:
Anything for sciatic nerve pain. Before or after it stabs?
It stays away when I can do my exercise routine every day but comes back when I get long stints away from it
So is there a specific group of exercises I can lock into even in my 60 hour work week?

@Meloyadina says:

🎉😊 Yaayyy welcome back, and with a topic I need this morning 🌞. Thanks!!

@GrifoStelle says:

Where have you been young man ?! 🙂 great to see you

@mithunmathew720 says:

Great to see you back.

Hope you will post more long video consistently.

I missed your channel

@sanjansshetty says:

So u just suddenly start posting on yt again?

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