3 Exercises for Thumb Arthritis and Osteoarthritis | Hand Therapy
Simple Exercises for Thumb Osteoarthritis and Pain.
Only a Tennis Ball and a Elastic band is needed. The objective is to achieve a efficient contraction of Thenar Muscles. Dynamic stability will be obtained.
Important to consult your Physiotherapist, Hand Therapist, Occupational Therapist or Doctor.
#physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #occupationaltherapy #exercise #exercisetherapy #handtherapy #handsurgeon #rizartrosis #ejercicioencasa #artrosis #ejercicio
Simple Exercises for Thumb Osteoarthritis and Pain.
Only a Tennis Ball and a Elastic band is needed. The objective is to achieve a efficient contraction of Thenar Muscles. Dynamic stability will be obtained.
Important to consult your Physiotherapist, Hand Therapist, Occupational Therapist or Doctor.
#physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #occupationaltherapy #exercise #exercisetherapy #handtherapy #handsurgeon #rizartrosis #ejercicioencasa #artrosis #ejercicio