How You Can Get A Flatter Stomach With 4 Exercises

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You can have a transformation like me, in less than a year, without long workouts in the gym and eating salad every meal.

Welcome back ladies!
If you enjoyed this video and found it useful, make sure to share it with a friend who also wants to get fit!

These moves, you can do at home are perfect if you’re just getting back into exercise after some time off and want to lose weight!

My mission is to show you that it is possible to transform your body in your 40s, 50s and older! Most women I meet want to get in shape but just don’t know where to start. In this video I show exactly what you can do to start exercising and getting in shape!
If your goal is to get fit, then take my advice and follow along as best as you can.
Getting fit doesn’t come easy and does require effort, so if you’re ready subscribe to my channel and let’s go!

Instagram – @petragenco
TikTok –

#over40 #weightloss #bodytransformation #homeworkout


If you are new to working out start with simple, easy exercises without weights before attempting more advanced workouts. Performing routines out of your capability might cause injury. Petra Genco will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.


@SyreneEkeh says:

Real good exersizes. I cant believe i didnt know them before. So simple. Thanks a lot.

@EsmeKloppers says:

Love you video

@melissaglahn8119 says:

Love thi s thanks

@tammyolguin2991 says:

Love it ❤❤❤

@alisoncooper1864 says:

Hi , so good to find your channel. I am 61 and suffer from belly fat.
I jad a hip replacement at 48 ( due to not developing properly as a baby ) I also have an under active thyroid. I am going to srart following your exercises as of today. Thank you .

@vickileadbetter5574 says:

Thank you for your videos!!

@moirahyde750 says:

This pic is just a skinny person sticking out their stomach then breathing in 😂

@amyhaych526 says:

Will these exercises work for a 34 year old, I'm really unfit, not overweight but just very weak and my arms ache so quickly after doing any sort of exercise with them. Will this help me build strength if i did them once a day? Thank you 💞

@debbiepatish-ug3ge says:

I have a big hitial hernia what is a good excercise

@mabel.e.kgalley9710 says:

Wow, thanks for this video. I have a question, is there any side effec(ts) associated with it especially if you haven't had any child/children yet?

@joannemeeks745 says:

Excellent, Petra!

@mariaschneberger8687 says:

What if u are 64 can u still do the work out

@lucievan.stijvoort3034 says:

Thanks lady,i'm going to do exercises because they are not dificult.i have artrose and broke my tail bone a few times so its nog easy to find good exercises

@vanhuynh7433 says:

Great and helpful instructions.
Thanks Petra.

@clarinetgal9779 says:

Just what I've been looking for! Thanks!

@ameliapiet6403 says:

Hi Petra I will try this. Thank you so much. Any Hip Dip excercises ?

@sitataylor2023 says:

I love working out with you Petra thank you so much

@lorettarobertson6705 says:

Petra: love all your videos, really makes a difference, just keep doing it for us ladies..God bless

@sheilamartin9024 says:

Thank you!!

@ilenekelton80 says:

thanks. I have a rod in my back, spinal fusion. bending over can hurt my back. any suggestions?

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