Stop Knee Arthritis Pain: Another Exercise for PaIn Relief: Part 3 |

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Here is another exercise to get pain relief from knee arthritis.

This is Part 3 in the series of exercises to get pain relief from knee arthritis.This time you will perform Calf Raises.

In this video, Dr. Bragg describes an exercise you can do to strengthen one of the muscles in the back of the calf called the gastrocnemius. This muscle allows you to raise up your toes, and it also helps to stabilize the knee.

You can do calf raises sitting in a chair if standing is too difficult or painful.

1. Place your hands on the back of a chair or other sturdy surface for support.
2. Raise up on your toes by lifting your heels.
3. Hold for 2 to 3 seconds, then slowly lower back down.

If you choose, you can do calf raises on one leg at a time.

Include this exercise with the others to help decrease your knee pain.

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©2009-2024 Spine and Orthopedic Pain Center and Dr. Winifred Bragg

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Good video never views

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