Walking Workout for Weight Loss at Home (to the Beat) ๐ŸŽถ

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Join me for this fun follow along walking workout! All moves are low impact and to the beat of the music so it’s a great workout for everyone including beginners and active seniors. There are no breaks and the exercises are tailored for max calorie burning and improving your cardio fitness levels in a fun engaging way!
Strength training is extremely important for overall physical fitness and weight loss as well. I recommend doing the weight training workout that is linked at the end of this video.

Let me know what you think in the comments, I love to hear how you are enjoying my workouts!

My shoes:

Here is a link to my Amazon shop with products that I use and/or recommend:
as an amazon associate/influencer I earn from qualifying purchases

My music is from Epidemic Sound

SeniorShape is on Facebook and now Instagram!


walking exercise for weight loss, cardio workout at home, walking workout, 30 minute workout, workout for seniors, workout for beginners, walking exercises, workout for weight loss, fat burning workout, cardio workout for beginners, senior shape, silver sneakers, senior fitness, weight loss workout, workout at home, steps workout, indoor walking workout, walking at home, aerobics, fitness workout, power walk


@kimbergraves225 says:

I canโ€™t believe it took me 5 decades to realize that I didnโ€™t have to hate exercise. I wake up looking forward to my time with you each day!

@Looloowa74 says:

Thank you so much. Itโ€™s getting really hot where I live therefore I have to wake up really early (4 am) to do my daily walk but sometimes I donโ€™t wake up before 6 am so I have been missing them and your videos are great. I can do them in the mornings and still feel accomplished. God bless

@ziamustafa1306 says:

I did it today atlastโค

@shazanakhan9807 says:

Just completed this workout, thank you. She has such a lovely smile, i feel like when im working out shes my personal trainer โค

@anitapompa4790 says:

Love your workouts ๐Ÿ’ช

@two2young93 says:

Love the workout!๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

@nildasabarillo121 says:

thank you so much from Philippines

@annetterichardson8245 says:

Great train loved it. Even though Iโ€™m bit behind in some placesโค

@user-nd5mf1mg1v says:

I love it thanks so much โคโคโคโคโคโค

@elviecamat4618 says:

Thanks for sharing.I did my senior shape today God bless girl!

@user-lp1ty6ln7g says:

Thank you for this doable workout. I have leg issues from a car accident in 2018 and walking exercising can be brutal. Today was good day, and it was leg friendly.

@PaperHaven246 says:

Oh my! This highly uncoordinated lady burned more calories saying, โ€œOoohhh. Changed moves,โ€ than actually being able to follow ๐Ÿ˜‚. I DID ME for sure!
Will try this again sometime ๐Ÿ˜…

@monicapatterson7066 says:

Hello I'm a senior and I enjoy the work out.I was able to move in step with you and it made me feel better Thx ๐Ÿ˜Š looking forward to more.

@sandrawalker5065 says:

Hello:) Nice to meet you. How long is this workout? Thanks in advance:)

@elisabethk3838 says:

Congrats! what effective yet graceful workout. Thanks so much. Love it.

@mariaziarnik6909 says:

Just found you and loved this exercise! New subscriber โค. Getting back to working out after not working out for four years. I have gained weight and starting some concerning health issues. This was a great workout and hope to start feeling better and lose some weight.

@mollyfranco9104 says:

Fantastic – loved – the workout

@sintrabenasrie2389 says:

This was great! Had a good sweat๐Ÿ˜…

@wandabiaggi1991 says:


@marciaremy says:

Just started these videos this week and am loving them. A lot of variation and combinations of moves!!

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