Early diagnosis and treatment for multiple sclerosis prevention

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A wealth of new evidence has created a paradigm shift in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) in recent years, with clinicians now prioritizing early and aggressive treatment of their patients. As our understanding of radiologically isolated syndrome (RIS) and the MS prodrome grows, questions are arising regarding the feasibility of disease prevention. Klaus Schmierer, MB BS, PhD, FRCP, Queen Mary University of London & The Royal London Hospital of Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK, talks on prevention trials and how cohorts can be enriched for high-risk individuals based on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antibody status, genetic predisposition, and HLA subtype. One key interest is looking to push diagnosis further into ‘pre-diagnostic’ phases. This interview took place at the MS Frontiers 2022 congress in Swansea, UK.


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