Traumatic Brain Injury, Falls and Aging
The Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation in collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) would like to invite you to join us for an insightful webinar on traumatic brain injuries and falls among seniors. Traumatic brain injury resulting from a fall is a significant issue for adults over the age of 60 in Canada. The increased hospitalization rate related to falls among older adults, in addition to the increased number in the Canadian population will only escalate this issue. Presentations will provide information on the rates and trends of traumatic brain injury, as well as their impact on an older population.
Who should attend:
- Policy makers, program designers and social service providers who work with older adults
- Anyone interested in learning more about traumatic brain injuries and falls among seniors
Natasha Kuran
Natasha Kuran is a Senior Advisor for the Seniors' Health Promotion Unit, Division of Seniors' Health Promotion and Business Integration Division with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). She has a professional and academic background in therapeutic product regulation and health, with several recent years of experience in health promotion at PHAC. Natasha spearheaded the development of the 2014 Seniors’ Falls in Canada: Second Report and maintains a particular focus on injury prevention for older adults.
Dr. John Puxty
A Geriatrician, John is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Division of Geriatric Medicine at Queen’s University, the Chair of the Southeastern Ontario Regional Geriatric Program, Director of the Centre for Studies in Aging and Health and Chair of the Seniors Health Knowledge Network. Dr. Puxty is the lead physician of the South East LHIN South East Advance Care Planning & Health Care Consent Working Group. John has a primary interest in promoting healthy aging and effective care for seniors with a research interest in aging, chronic disease, knowledge mobilization and information technology.
The Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation in collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) would like to invite you to join us for an insightful webinar on traumatic brain injuries and falls among seniors. Traumatic brain injury resulting from a fall is a significant issue for adults over the age of 60 in Canada. The increased hospitalization rate related to falls among older adults, in addition to the increased number in the Canadian population will only escalate this issue. Presentations will provide information on the rates and trends of traumatic brain injury, as well as their impact on an older population.
Who should attend:
– Policy makers, program designers and social service providers who work with older adults
– Anyone interested in learning more about traumatic brain injuries and falls among seniors
Natasha Kuran
Natasha Kuran is a Senior Advisor for the Seniors’ Health Promotion Unit, Division of Seniors’ Health Promotion and Business Integration Division with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). She has a professional and academic background in therapeutic product regulation and health, with several recent years of experience in health promotion at PHAC. Natasha spearheaded the development of the 2014 Seniors’ Falls in Canada: Second Report and maintains a particular focus on injury prevention for older adults.
Dr. John Puxty
A Geriatrician, John is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Division of Geriatric Medicine at Queen’s University, the Chair of the Southeastern Ontario Regional Geriatric Program, Director of the Centre for Studies in Aging and Health and Chair of the Seniors Health Knowledge Network. Dr. Puxty is the lead physician of the South East LHIN South East Advance Care Planning & Health Care Consent Working Group. John has a primary interest in promoting healthy aging and effective care for seniors with a research interest in aging, chronic disease, knowledge mobilization and information technology.