Therapeutic Pool Exercises for Hips, Knees, Ankles – Lower Body Strengthen & Water Rehab AquaFIIT

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A slower paced pool video full of strengthening exercises to improve the lower body, brought to you by AquaFIIT Coach Stacy. This workout is targeting the hips, knees and ankle joints and the surrounding muscles (quads, hamstrings, calves, adductors, abductors, and glutes). We will work to build strength in those areas but also increase range of motion. These exercises are great for those needing to build strength, work on balance and overall rehab from injuries/surgeries (after you have been cleared from your physician). We will be using a pool noodle for some exercises to increase the resistance (build additional strength). The noodle can also be used to aid with your balance. No equipment is necessary but aqua shoes are recommended. If you need a pair, please support me by purchasing a pair here:
This is NOT a substitute for medical advice so please consult a doctor for specific exercises to meet your knees. This IS a general workout to address common imbalances in the lower body so that we increase flexibility and movement.

🎡 Like the music? Find my playlist with the music I’ve used here:
And, if you sign up to Epidemic Sound through the playlist link, you’ll get 1 month for free!

0:00 Introduction
01:02 Warm Up
07:35 Hips & Knee Exercises
28:48 Ankle/Lower Limb Exercises

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πŸ’¦ Purchase a copy of these exercises in Print Version to use at home or as choreography for your own aqua class:

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#AquaFIIT #H2OFIIT #aquatictherapy #poolworkout


@baharabdullah3523 says:

Amazing thanks alot

@claudiaharbourt9370 says:

Hi, rehabbing from my LTH 7/26/23, RTH 10/29/21. God its a process…I wish Orthopods would be more honest with how you are going to feel,( even though they do have you up and walking after surgery,) the recovery is long, and everyone is different. being in the pool feels the best, thankful that this rehab will help. Still dealing with psoaz tendonitis on the rt hip which is beyond frustrating.. not giving up yet…Thanks Stacy

@aminaalsaati3484 says:

I love you Stacyβ€πŸ˜…

@beatricecherry2165 says:

Thank you. Great and relaxing workout ❀😊

@user-ob2ph9vb6z says:

Reading the comments really helped. πŸ˜‚. I couldn’t hear you, but it was a great workout. I now see I needed both my ear buds. I just checked and it worked! I’ll be doing this workout again. πŸ˜ŽπŸ’–

@cindyashby9879 says:

How deep is the water where you do these exercises?

@tamamzaher993 says:

Thanks a million for your efforts to make these exercises sooo useful and effective πŸ‘ , I hope they will help me ❀

@swannee22 says:

I could not hear your voice just the music. Great instruction tho by closed captions!!!

@rhondadodson7397 says:

Thank you so much for this. It will compliment my other workouts. I was diagnosed with MS 40 years ago and exercise is key to managing symptoms.β™₯️

@elygil2988 says:

Me encanta tus clases

@junestewart9191 says:

This is awesome. Thank you.

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