10 Ways to Reduce Jumper’s Knee Pain (Patellar Tendinopathy)

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http://RobertsonTrainingSystems.com If you have clients or athletes who are struggling with Jumper’s Knee, here are 10 exercises you can start using TODAY to reduce their pain and get them BACK to their favorite activities.

Athletes who play ports like basketball or volleyball have an increased likelihood of dealing with Jumper’s Knee, or patellar tendinopathy..

In fact, it’s estimated that 20% of jumping sport athletes suffer from Jumper’s Knee at any point in time during a competitive season!

This is often made worse by all of the fast, explosive activities and how they load your tendons.

So if your goal is to get healthy – we need to introduce some SLOW and HEAVY lifting into your program.

But before you immediately think about big back squats, deadlifts, and training like a powerlifter, please realize that’s NOT the case.

In today’s video we’re going to cover 10 of my favorite exercises that specifically target your quads, calves and even shifts your center of gravity back to get those knees feeling great.

Now let’s get in the gym and get those knees feeling RIGHT!
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@evanmarcantonio8671 says:

Great video Coach! Which BFR kit do you recommend starting with?

@sandyhandelsman452 says:

Great video thanks

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