How to treat Shoulder and Biceps Tendonitis using Kinesiology Taping techniques
John Gibbons is a registered Osteopath, Lecturer and Author and is demonstrating how to treat for Biceps long head tendonitis.
Shoulder impingement pain and this is normally to the rotator cuff tendon of supraspinatus or the subacromial bursa and even the long head of the biceps tendon that can get caught under the acromion process. The technique demonstrated is using Kinesiology Tape.
John also hosts Certified & accredited online courses and these are accessible from your own home.
1. Shoulder Complex -
2. Vital Nerves -
3. Cervical Spine -
4. Pelvis, SIJ & Lumbar -
5. K-Taping Techniques -
6. Muscle Energy Techniques -
7. Glutes & Psoas -
In another video John shows you how to tape for posture as this technique will help control the position of the thoracic spine and shoulder girdle and also the upper crossed syndrome (UCS) defined by Janda. Great to control forward head posture, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical pain and even headaches because of the control position. The patient can leave the tape on for 3-5 days and make sure patient is not allergic to any of the products prior to application.
John also has many other videos, e.g. during his hip joint videos he discusses an acetabular labral tear and also a femoroacetabular impingement called an FAI - these are cam and pincer type of impingement. He also mentions perthes disease and osteoarthritis of the hip joint. John also discusses how the hip flexors (psoas) are involved and the iliofemoral ligaments and how they cause an inhibition to the gluteus maximus (Gmax) through the hip extension firing pattern test. Janda and the lower crossed syndrome is also mentioned and how this can cause lower back, facet or disc pathology of L5 or L5 and involve the nerve roots.
John also shows you in his other videos to assess the nerve root level of the adductors (obturator nerve through L3 reflex), patella tendon (femoral nerve through L4 reflex), semitendinosus (tibial / sciatic nerve of L5 reflex) and Achilles / plantar (tibial nerve of sciatic through S1 reflex) and a normal response is classified as 2++. Any reduced hypo-reflex (1+) or increased hyper-reflex (3+++) with Clonus and Babinski positive as might indicate some form of upper motor neurone lesion like Multiple sclerosis, stroke, spinal cord tumour or brain injury.
In terms of his courses he offers, you can attend one at a time if you prefer or book all ten and receive a discount. Once you have completed all the courses you will be able to call yourself a Bodymaster Method ® Practitioner and be registered on his website with the letters 'BmP' after your name.
John is the Author of the highly successful book and Amazon No 1 best seller called 'Muscle Energy Techniques, a practical guide for physical therapists'. John has also written many more books and these include:
1. A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping and comes with a complimentary DVD.
2. The Vital Glutes, connecting the gait cycle to pain and dysfunction
3. Functional Anatomy of the Pelvis, SI joint & lumbar spine
4. The Vital Shoulder Complex
5. 2nd Edition of Kinesiology Taping
6. The Vital Nerves
7. MET 2nd Edition
8. The Vital Spinal Column (2023)
All his books are available to buy now through his website or from Amazon
John now offers Advanced Training in all aspects of Sports Medicine to already qualified therapists (athletic trainers, sports massage therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, physiotherapists, physical therapists, personal trainers, pilates teaches etc) in manual therapy to 'Diploma' Level. You need to have attended all of his ten individual Therapy Courses before the diploma is awarded.
Courses available and all the dates are online
1. Spinal Manipulation & Mobilisation
2. Advanced Spinal Manipulation
3. Kinesiology Taping
4. Muscle Energy Techniques
5. The Vital Shoulder Complex
6. The Vital Cervical spine
7. The Vital hip & groin
8. The Vital Knee
9. Advanced Soft Tissue techniques
10. The Vital Neurological system
11. Pelvis, SIJ & Lumbar spine
12. The Vital Glutes & Psoas
13. Acupuncture & Dry needling
The Bodymaster Method ® Diploma is now recognised as a training provider and accredited with the STO - Sports Therapy Organisation
John Gibbons is a registered Osteopath, Lecturer and Author and is demonstrating how to treat for Biceps long head tendonitis.
Shoulder impingement pain and this is normally to the rotator cuff tendon of supraspinatus or the subacromial bursa and even the long head of the biceps tendon that can get caught under the acromion process. The technique demonstrated is using Kinesiology Tape.
John also hosts Certified & accredited online courses and these are accessible from your own home.
1. Shoulder Complex –
2. Vital Nerves –
3. Cervical Spine –
4. Pelvis, SIJ & Lumbar –
5. K-Taping Techniques –
6. Muscle Energy Techniques –
7. Glutes & Psoas –
In another video John shows you how to tape for posture as this technique will help control the position of the thoracic spine and shoulder girdle and also the upper crossed syndrome (UCS) defined by Janda. Great to control forward head posture, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical pain and even headaches because of the control position. The patient can leave the tape on for 3-5 days and make sure patient is not allergic to any of the products prior to application.
John also has many other videos, e.g. during his hip joint videos he discusses an acetabular labral tear and also a femoroacetabular impingement called an FAI – these are cam and pincer type of impingement. He also mentions perthes disease and osteoarthritis of the hip joint. John also discusses how the hip flexors (psoas) are involved and the iliofemoral ligaments and how they cause an inhibition to the gluteus maximus (Gmax) through the hip extension firing pattern test. Janda and the lower crossed syndrome is also mentioned and how this can cause lower back, facet or disc pathology of L5 or L5 and involve the nerve roots.
John also shows you in his other videos to assess the nerve root level of the adductors (obturator nerve through L3 reflex), patella tendon (femoral nerve through L4 reflex), semitendinosus (tibial / sciatic nerve of L5 reflex) and Achilles / plantar (tibial nerve of sciatic through S1 reflex) and a normal response is classified as 2++. Any reduced hypo-reflex (1+) or increased hyper-reflex (3+++) with Clonus and Babinski positive as might indicate some form of upper motor neurone lesion like Multiple sclerosis, stroke, spinal cord tumour or brain injury.
In terms of his courses he offers, you can attend one at a time if you prefer or book all ten and receive a discount. Once you have completed all the courses you will be able to call yourself a Bodymaster Method ® Practitioner and be registered on his website with the letters ‘BmP’ after your name.
John is the Author of the highly successful book and Amazon No 1 best seller called ‘Muscle Energy Techniques, a practical guide for physical therapists’. John has also written many more books and these include:
1. A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping and comes with a complimentary DVD.
2. The Vital Glutes, connecting the gait cycle to pain and dysfunction
3. Functional Anatomy of the Pelvis, SI joint & lumbar spine
4. The Vital Shoulder Complex
5. 2nd Edition of Kinesiology Taping
6. The Vital Nerves
7. MET 2nd Edition
8. The Vital Spinal Column (2023)
All his books are available to buy now through his website… or from Amazon
John now offers Advanced Training in all aspects of Sports Medicine to already qualified therapists (athletic trainers, sports massage therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, physiotherapists, physical therapists, personal trainers, pilates teaches etc) in manual therapy to ‘Diploma’ Level. You need to have attended all of his ten individual Therapy Courses before the diploma is awarded.
Courses available and all the dates are online
1. Spinal Manipulation & Mobilisation
2. Advanced Spinal Manipulation
3. Kinesiology Taping
4. Muscle Energy Techniques
5. The Vital Shoulder Complex
6. The Vital Cervical spine
7. The Vital hip & groin
8. The Vital Knee
9. Advanced Soft Tissue techniques
10. The Vital Neurological system
11. Pelvis, SIJ & Lumbar spine
12. The Vital Glutes & Psoas
13. Acupuncture & Dry needling
The Bodymaster Method ® Diploma is now recognised as a training provider and accredited with the STO – Sports Therapy Organisation
Those tiddies tho'.
i have partial tear in my long bicep to shoulder tendon and using this strapping technique has worked wonders!! halving my pain helping me sleep at night so thanku 🙌🏼
I came here for the tape but stayed for the…..nvm
Very helpful
This is the best demo I've seen yet. Thanks
why wouldn't you ethically dape your client??
Thanks for the video!
The biceps huh 😁
Couldn't focus. I wonder why.
I’m literally here for the tape application. I think I’m the only one here for that.
After that, I'm wondering will the clinician innovate a taping method to relieve epididymal hypertension?
Wow nice tapes over there!
Great demonstration, I've got to give this a go!
Nice tape job. Beautiful breasts! I'll watch all your videos if she's in them! But of course, that was the whole point.
I use tape and blood flow restriction when lifting. Pretty amazing combination. Great results! Of course I leave the tape on for at least 24 hours.
what did you say?
Thank you, this is exactly what i needed
I'm sorry I couldn't stop looking at her tits. What did you say?
Nice racket in your loud voice you appear to be making brest I keep quiet for the man
You forgot to Check the mammary glands there John,bit of miofascial release needed