Standing Calf Stretch for Plantar Fasciitis

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These two stretches will help relieve plantar fasciitis pain.

1. Gastrocnemius stretch — stand in a lunge position with hands flat on the wall; keep back heel down and knee straight, slowly bend front knee until a stretch is felt in the lower portion of the back leg.
2. Soleus stretch — stand in a lunge position with hands flat on the wall; slowly bend front knee and back knee until a stretch is felt in the Achilles tendon or heel area of the back leg.

Hold for 30 seconds. repeat 3 to 5 times on each leg.

View more exercises to relieve plantar fasciitis pain:

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@khaliid400 says:

I did it and my leg hurts what do i do?

@v8wr253 says:

Yup, a good stretch to do!

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