Why Is My Tennis Elbow Not Getting Better?

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In this video, Steph discusses the top reasons why your tennis elbow pain may not be getting better. We may be giving too much away, but did you know that the exercises everyone on the Internet tells you to do may be to blame? She not only points out these factors but also explains what you can do about it and what treatment approach works best for tennis elbow.

👉 You can use a strap around your forearm to relieve the pressure on the painful tendon in your elbow – they work for tennis elbow as well as for golfer’s elbow. Some options:
– Strap with pneumatic pad: https://geni.us/LOaTMH
– Strap with built-in pad: https://geni.us/OgYawKZ

🌟Need more help with your injury? You’re welcome to consult one of the team at SIP online via video call for an assessment of your injury and a tailored treatment plan: https://www.sports-injury-physio.com/

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:43 What is tennis elbow?
00:02:46 Reason 1: Continued overloading
00:04:24 Reason 2: Insufficient recovery time
00:06:06 Reason 3: Wrong exercises
00:08:14 How we can help

👉You may also find this video useful: Managing Elbow Pain Caused By Weight Training: https://youtu.be/kvAVuX1ajko

And check out this video that Maryke made about the causes of and treatment options for tennis elbow: https://youtu.be/6fuImDN9PH4

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@SportsInjuryPhysio says:

👉 You can use a strap around your forearm to relieve the pressure on the painful tendon in your elbow – they work for tennis elbow as well as for golfer's elbow. Some options:

– Strap with pneumatic pad: https://geni.us/LOaTMH

– Strap with built-in pad: https://geni.us/OgYawK

If you buy anything via these links, we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you.

@methosgoblin9579 says:

U smart – thanks

@bodnar28 says:

Just the best advice here! I have watched many videos but this one gets it right. Doing exercises and stretches too soon has just made things worse. Rest, rest, rest. Annoying but necessary. Thanks so much.

@mountart2 says:

Uh, your wrist is flexed when you are playing… wait for it… Tennis!

@janedickson1568 says:

Mine started beginning of August. Took 2 months off the gym and no better. Back at gym gently still not better 😢

@crystaloffrost says:

What about playing guitar? Can playing guitar cause tennia elbow? I am talking about fretting hand.

@silviutudorescu8114 says:

yeah well by just resting i'm sorry to say but it won't necessarly heal. In my case i play tennis, it's just a matter of not Over do the activity, reduce the load is the main key aspect. And rehab exercises is also super import, i don't understand why you say the exact opposite

@jennifergrody says:

I started feeling mine in July 2023 noticed while I was carrying a small vacuum (I clean for a living). I have more of a hard time at night, it keeps me awake due to the pain radiating down my arm towards wrist. I would of addressed it more but I missed a step & popped my bicep tendon off my opposite arm & had to have surgery to fix that. I am still healing from that since mid September. Once that is feeling better I’ll definitely address it once again with a doctor. Nothing works for pain. Icy hot is only temporary. Even with me not been working the past 5wks it’s not gotten better. I can’t take anti inflammatory due to a past surgery.

@Giants_woke says:

This is so depressing.. 6 months or even longer! Ffs

Im trying to find a silver lining but this is heartbreaking.. lifting is everything to me.

@fleadoggreen9062 says:

My tennis elbow got soo much better when I cut out all alcohol, alcohol drys up the super tiny tissues in ones joints…. I found this out on accident, I quit drinking for completely other reasons and when I started drinking again my tennis elbow came back so I quit again then it went away… so I googled it

@rythempetemusic4207 says:

I'm 23 the tennis elbow makes look skinnier how do I get rid of plz help it's hard get rid of tennis elbow

@zoeowen9817 says:

I just started circus school and now I can't even barely use my left arm. What am I guna do 🙁

@ojasrevankar66 says:

hello ,can we ride a bike if we have tennis elbow ?

@picmedic says:

This is so true

@rodrigoaraya2405 says:

Can i do push ups when still injury?

@NeuroPulse says:

Got mine from doing weighted gymnastics rings muscleups with too much weight too frequently while also doing an intense manual labor job. The manual labor job has pushed me past the optimistic 6 month recovery time but I think I still have potential for the 12 month recovery time.

@stevelewis3292 says:

I’m currently experiencing it. Take it as an opportunity to improve cardio and strengthen the lower body.

@garlandafurong6962 says:

I got tennis elbow twice the first lasted for a 1 year and a half training on a fire extinguisher company the second just healed after three months, lifting a heavy basketball hoop it just needs rest, and stretching often hope this helps. The pain is gone finally

@ME-kb8qg says:

I’m not taking few months off. Got me a elbow strap and going to workout around it

@riffpad says:

Yep. Kept training at the gym through it and made it 10x worse. Had it for about 9 months and now it's persistent. I just cant take time off gym for that long my mental health deteriorates without it after a few days. Gonna have to train legs constantly 🙁

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