I have torn my ACL four times so I’m no stranger to injuries.

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😳I am no stranger to injuries as, yes, I’ve torn my ACL and had surgery four different times. One of these was on my right knee, while the other three were all on my left. 😩Although, injuries can be very debilitating and discouraging, they can also be overcome. We don’t have let our injuries define us, or dictate our lives. Sure, adjustments and changes may need to be made, but it is all doable and should not be used as an excuse. 💪I have endured the highs and lows of several surgeries. It wasn’t easy and I felt down and out many times. However, looking back now these experiences also forced me to change my approach to health and fitness, and led me to where I am now…a functional fitness coach and advocate. 👍Of course, I still want to look good and feel strong, but not at the expense of my functionality or longevity. My goals have changed, especially with kids and a family, so I must adapt my approach as well. You may be in the same boat and wondering where to go next. Or perhaps you’re stuck in a rut, thinking you can never overcome your injuries. 👇I know that you can and encourage you to find a way to do so. Drop a comment with your experiences and let’s support each other as fit dads. ______ #kneerecovery #aclsurgery #aclinjury #kneesurgery #postsurgery #aclrecovery #functionalfitnesstrainer #functionalfitnesstraining #functionalfitness #fitnesscoach #functionalstrengthtraining

I am the online functional fitness & nutrition coach that helps busy dads get fit & lead healthy lifestyles with their families.

If you want help prioritizing your health & fitness, fill out the form on my website below.

Online Coaching – www.livfitkarl.com
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@noahredfern3950 says:

couple months ago i tore my acl and both meniscus, with the outer being fully ripped in half resulting in it being tacked down in an attempt to heal. I’m not on DAY 1 of recovery. Six weeks of no weight bearing and it sucks already

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