The best 2years body transformation *** FIT_OLDBOY *** PART1

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@Fit_oldboy – my road to new life πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


Al Storm says:

All the folks that think this is natural… you're misleading so many people. Just be honest. Not saying you didn't work hard, but 0% chance it's done without HRT.

Lee Cheetham says:

60 he may be but he's obviously been athletic most of his life don't be fooled.

El negro tomaso says:

Looked better at 63. Looks sick at 65. πŸ˜‚

J. WingedLion says:

Test is one powerful drug..

Thorsten Mosert says:

Age is just a number

daMoonSon says:

How? How he can have so good joints to hold this all?

Bob Sobie says:

65 years old with bf% of 5, never saw the point. Live is short, live it up man.

Fandango says:

Even when he had a gut you could see his abdominals, looks absolutely tremendous now. Superior genetics and hard work, he’s been there before for sure.

k9 aid says:

needs good doctor supplements

M V says:

TRT really does amazing things

MMH says:

Agreed, but admittedly he already had good genetics when he started, there was probably a time when he was physically active.

Mordecai says:

Hell of a retirement.

Strannik LifeStyle says:

How long has this man been doping tested? Anyone can eating steroids.

Runenbuch says:

But training alone isn't enough, he must have done something else.
I could imagine that he practices physical vascular therapy with the BEMER magnetic field.

Bill says:


SLAY 503 says:

It's clearly never too late people! AMAZING πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ˜ŽπŸ€™πŸΌ

Kirstine Termansen says:

❀❀❀. You made it'. Inspiration


Its never too late boys get up and do it

piotrek bukiet says:

Obserwuje pana ale nie na nic dla mnie pewnie nie jestem sam czy to jest bardzo tajne 😒

Dark Knight says:

So if every one in their 60's just decided to do some form of work out we could all look and feel better it is that simple.

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