Achilles Tendon Relax Stratching Pose on other knee & finding Central Trigger point of Calf muscle

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Let’s Just Doing-Working 24/7 Sets keeping Old Othopedic Rules. ( generally unknown, unwritten… just been forgotten.. )
No Forced Forces Out-In-Side to any Joints as the Bonds as Well. ( No Pops, No cracks, No releases,…. required as Forced Needs. Just to be Ready. So as Old Call : Ready Stady Go.
By Old Fashion Odds.
Greetings from Central Europe

Chapter upgrade to 10.and 18.
Achilles Blade Scraping modify
This Pose on other knee by pasive or dynamic streches mobilise Adiposit Tissue front Achilles Tendon, as fibrous oblique string Holders!!! ( as anatomy generally unwritten ) Up getting stronger involved to Calf Fascia.
These Fibrous Holders can be caused factor of chronic issueses and main point of prevention view! Timing as intuitive suitable while.

PS: This The Best Ergonomic Form of Blade Scraper for Self Treatment-Prevention try to find by Google foto searching to Your local provider.
Good Lack.

PS: This Blade Scraper can be main pure mechanic factor for epifascial tissues lymphograinage and direct stimulation skin zones suffered hypoactive tendetions to underskin strie scars or cellulitis…..
Muscles activities are not generally to effective reaching epifascial tisuises even to daily athletes intensities.Hormonal factors included.

PS: Classic Crossed Legs Sitting Poses make always suffering mode for high calves gravity pressure for involved tissues, strangling circulation with all acute or chronic,trophic to dystrophic aspects, mainly lymphatic and venous drainage up to heart,lungs…


Mahmod Asghari says:

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