If you or someone you know would benefit from Independent Living at Flushing House set up a visit today! Call 347-532-3000 or visit FlushingHouse.com/contact.
Uploaded by Brian Alarcon on August 10 at 3:01 am
If you or someone you know would benefit from Independent Living at Flushing House set up a visit today! Call 347-532-3000 or visit FlushingHouse.com/contact.
If you or someone you know would benefit from Independent Living at Flushing House set up a visit today! Call 347-532-3000 or visit FlushingHouse.com/contact.
Very good exercises enjoyed thanks 👍😊
Jackie!! I LOVED this! Please do more of these if you can. This is awesome to do at home, if you cannot make it to the studio, our when you are out of town, etc. Thank you for this!
Very good . keep up the good work.
What is this guy's name?
This is the best,Love it every morning.
We have so many seniors wanting the 30 version back. Please, please please.
You used to have a 30 min video by this guy! My residents loved it but I can’t find it now! Can you upload it again??
Very good love this guy
My residents have never gotten over his other video being deleted from YouTube. Would LOVE to have a shorter (30 min) workout by Joshua!!!
Very effective👍
The best work out for seniors!! Where is he now: 2022