Sciatica Won't Get Better Unless You First Fix These 2 Problems

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Sciatica stays much longer than it should because of 2 problems that rarely get fixed. And most healthcare professionals won’t know to tell you to fix these 2 problems.

If these 2 problems don’t get better, then any other treatment you do will only give you short-term relief. Getting long-term relief requires fixing these 2 muscle imbalances so that you can have long-term pain relief from sciatica.

These muscle imbalances are foundational to body movement and stability. Without correcting them, there’s a very slim chance that sciatica will go away for good.

In this video, Dr. David explains why sciatica won’t get better unless you first fix 2 foundational problems.

🙋‍♀️Looking for more help for sciatica? Check out this playlist:
“Sciatica Pain Help”

00:00 Sciatica Won’t Get Better Unless You First Fix These 2 Problems
00:20 Why Glute And Abdominal Activation Are Important
06:01 How To Get Better Glute Activation
11:40 How To Get Better Abdominal Activation
16:20 Transfer To Exercise And Walking

#elpasomanualphysicaltherapy #drdavidmiddaugh

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👟 Because we’ve had so many comments about what shoes Dr. David is wearing, here’s a link to the shoes on Amazon:
Dr. David’s Shoes With Insoles – Olukai Brand

💆‍♀️The massage table Dr. David uses can be found at this link:


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Any information available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a physician, medical provider or physical therapist. El Paso Manual Physical Therapy will not be liable for any injuries that happened due to performing any exercises or advice on this channel.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions about your medical condition or to diagnose any conditions.



You explained exactly where the pain is coming from. Listening to you was like you looking inside my body. You explained exactly my pain area. Thank you for this video❤️

Kath Hicks says:

Wow thank you~ makes perfect sense ~ I need to get working out and activate these areas!!!

LaQuita Desha Allison says:

Wow! Thank you so much for this information.

Fred Wilson says:

I’ve been watching your videos for the past few weeks as I try to navigate an L5 disk herniation that has caused pain and numbness right down to my toes. This one was so very helpful in finally anchoring in what I need to do to avoid surgery. Heartfelt gratitude to you and your work – wish me luck! Michele from Gabriola, Bc.

7 O'clock Miracles says:

This is EXACTLY where I have the problem. I’m looking forward to feeling the results! Thank you TREMENDOUSLY!

Rosanne Slates says:

Ty. I think this video is awesome. 2 things. My butt / my lower abdomen I’m now going to pay attention to those … It makes perfect sense 😊

Inez Schmaltz says:

Good job explaining, never had problems now big issue for me. I will start trying this

Amanda Hatchard says:

Wow! All new content to me after watching any sciatica videos! Thank you!

anne reeves says:

This was so informative. Thank you

Forrest Disney says:

Thank you. How relevant is all this to a nerve pinched at l5-s1?


Thanks for sharing i’m a massage therapist in i always encounter some people having sciatica. ❤❤❤❤

Believer says:

Thank you so much! I’m going to share this with my 70 year elderly friend who is having terrible nerve pain in cheek of her butt. First they x-rayed it and we’re waiting on results but it sounds like sciatica to me. She is very inactive and sets the majority of her day and evening watching TV. I got her an exercise peddler that she can sit in her desk chair and pedal but she has even slacked off doing that and that’s when all this pain started, when she quit.

Yung K says:

I have sciatica froma flattened lumbar. But i do also have weak glutes. Will these help? Seems like these exercises are aggravating my sciatica

Karla Howard says:

I have scoliosis and I have pain where you described, so what can I do

Sergiu Barbalata says:

Thank you very much doctor! God bless

Luke Aaron says:

See the skeleton, it's spine is supposed to in the centre, like the centre of a tree trunk.
If you get confused and believe that your spine is your back, you will start to slump and lean over.
Then the 'missing butt' starts to appear as muffin tops because your quads now go to the top of your pelvis instead of your hip… bye bye lower abs…. then eventually yours abs disappear altogether and your arches collapse… fun times ahead for humanity.

Comfort Gayyean says:

Yes,you know the pain that the sciatic put on the patient. I m glad i listened to this .pray that this will help.Thank you so much

Lesli Moore says:

I've been following for help for a yr now. I can finally walk pain free! I've been suffering since 2014 !!! Finally a physiotherapist who not only explains what the problem is but teaches how to fix it!!! You have saved me from having a knee replacement ❤ thank you so much!!

Laura White says:

Couldn't see exercises it was all jumbled.but I did listen.

Laura White says:

What about bike riding?

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