He Had Shoulder Pain For 3 YEARS Until…

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Z. says:

Thank you for this. As a coach it helps me so much to get new angles on some issues of clients.

Utli Scarlet (Aaron says:

Sternum pain during dips?

Utli Scarlet (Aaron says:

Chest pain during dips?

Armow3pt says:

leon edwards>>>>

Stuff says:

Wow, I think this is my issue 😮

TheBaitShopGuy says:

Everyone who lifts upper body needs to get a "shoulder horn" an almost unknown device which exercises the rotator cuff the best imo

Winda Ninja says:

Please can you do a video on Quadrilateral space syndrome!! Mad shoulder issue that so many people might have and have no clue how to fix


Bro what city are u in I need an appointment

_ says:


mayur says:

I have the same problem i tried one of your exercises this morning and already can see the results i don't know if you will read this but thanks ❤ 🙏 i am glad this video came in my feeds

Krack says:

I was like this. Using bands was more helpful than the weights or other external rotations for some reason. But it also required a lot of CNS and muscle recruitment work to make it better

Ezra Elisoff says:

lmao i misread the title and i thought it said “he had boulder shoulders for 3 years” and i was like damn what happened

SimplyComplex says:

is it just me, or is dumbbell chest fly an absolutely terrible chest exercise. The rotator cuff is already a complex and easily injured part of the body. I see no benefit to doing dumbbell flies and putting unnecessary stress on the rotator cuff instead of maybe using a fly machine where the load placed on your chest is already stabilized. He's going to injure his shoulder all over again…

Dan Din says:

This was me!!!

Elias Orosco says:

Are chiropractors best to fix these or any suggestions in dealing with same issue

Kekopara says:

what do i do if when benching i experience right hand wrist pain

Voluntary Outcast says:

I dislocated my shoulder several times and went to the doctor and they said do some joint exercises. I think I need surgery.

D G says:

Your channel has increased my respect for the art & science of PT x1000

Gaming_Videos xX says:

Just from doing the sitting external thing my shoulder feels better also the kettle bell bench I saw you talk about before has helped I also went to chiropractor he said test and then when it was no pain I started doing stuff he said like pushups

Mutated__Donkey says:

Yeah no shit. Don’t go to a chiropractor

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