Anthony Davis doing everything he can to carry but then Kuzma does this..

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ZecT0R says:

The guy is unbelieveable. The inconsistency is for real. sometimes you get 20 points and then tonight: 33 minutes, triple singles, 2 for 11, 0 for 6 from deep. come on man. Same goes for Drummond.

Khoa Do says:

An even dumber play was KCP fouling Lillard with 40 seconds left to send him to the FTs… wtf

TELL says:

Davis getting blown out in thumbnail.

Alhun Aydin says:

Such a clickbait…
– Kuzma does this!!!
– Kuzma misses a shot
– OMG how on earth that could happen…

Carl Lrac says:

The thumbnail tho

Nicolas Carbaquil says:

Respect #Kuzma.

kanodourden says:

Well at least Kuzma wears the better sweater 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Baller Breed says:

Jalen Rose and Molly are getting a divorce

Nicks Conan says:

🤣 that was a soft foul by Davis but the ref didn't see it 🤣

Andre The Great says:

You can't help but feel bad for Anthony Davis

Tawhai Ripia says:

The thumbnail he looks like he's on hardcore cocaine 😂

MIchael Holmes says:

They caught AD lackin in that thumbnail tho 😂

Edward Cardenas says:

He had his moments but who doesn’t, AD acting like his don’t stink…they should of never let Kuz or Alex go. Huge mistake by LA.

Chris Franco says:

Lakers are washed

Prime says:

Whats up with the thumbnails lmao

Lil Cringe says:

the thumbnail

Henstep ele says:

0:24 AD like ima kill this guy

Ma1q says:

It was a good look why people hating

joydivsion77 says:

"If one shoots enough times, one is destined to sink a couple" – Sun Tzuzma

David Frosst says:

Who else from #LakerNation is happy that Kyle got traded?😏

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