Triceps Tendonitis Treatment Stretches & Exercises – Ask Doctor Jo

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Triceps tendonitis, aka tricep tendonitis, is when the triceps tendon gets inflamed. It can cause tricep pain even at rest. It can also cause elbow pain, elbow tightness, and triceps tenderness when touched. Here are some triceps tendonitis treatments. See more tricep stretches and exercises here:

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Doctor Jo is a Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Triceps Tendonitis Treatment Stretches & Exercises:

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AskDoctorJo says:

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masako Gold says:

Thank you so much.

Oshmi's owsum world says:

thank you so much… Whenever I get an injury or pain I visit your channel immediately… so helpful tysm πŸ™

Burak Yener says:

Whenever i get an injury i visit this channel and immediately feel better after few moves accordingly to my type of injury. Thanks for great stuff πŸ™

Jason Voorhees with a dildo says:

thank you so much, genuinely…i had stopped my workout streak because of muscle tear in my shoulder-tricep region…now, it seems that your guidance along with some P.R.I.C.E. can heal it

Sandeep Vashisht says:

Hello Ma'am I picked up a tendonitis injury 5 months ago and it is not getting any better I can move my arm. But when I try to lift weights it is painful.

Jaime Bustos says:

So I tried to do the first one, not sure if I don't have the shoulder mobility or wrist mobility….. nothing hurts though I just feel like I can't stretch properly

Christa Ostertag says:

Thanks so much for explaining this exercises. This is just I'll need, hugs from Mexico.

Maksil Lorenzo says:

Such a simple and effective video. Thank you for your amazing work!

baydamm says:

Thanks Dr Jo, these stretches and exercises help me a lot to get rid of my tricep pain

Berk says:

Wow, i was doing some exercises that my doctor gave me but these are definitely better than them. I have triceps tendpnitis for 6 months now and i really liked ur exercises. Hope they work, thanks! But i wish u had mention the repetitions and sets in exercises, just like stretching. But thanks again!

Vishal Bandi says:

How often should we be doing this? Thanks in advance πŸ™‚

spiros karkalas says:

Hi Dr. Jo, i have tricep tendonitis and when i am doing these exercises the pain dissapears. I was wondering, can i try these exercises every day? Or need some rest within the week?

douggherkin says:

Thank you for this video. …I really hope these work. I've not been able to lift weights for over 5yrs because of this pain. Exercise is very important to me to help with my poor mental health, I honestly dont think I will ever be free of this pain. x

Sekmey Singh says:

Feeling much better πŸ™πŸ»

Jorge Guimaraes Xuxulk says:

Hi doc Jo,thanks ur video help me understand my real pain,s I am doing the stretch everyday.. However my question are for how long I should do that and also for how long I am not allow to hit triceps exercises? Thanks

Rushabh Raut says:

My elbow is only paining while doing a excercise of tricep should I avoid tricep excercise and continue working out and do these streches?

Vaishu Venkat says:

Hi! I have been having some severe pain where the tricep connects the elbow whenever I try to rest my left arm on table to write. (I write with my right hand) No idea what that is.. Is it Tricep tendonitis?

Sam Baldelli says:

How many times a week do you do these exercises.

Stewie says:

I'm trying these exercices and I wonder, if I have slight pain, should I keep going?

Thanks for your help, you have a wonderful channel.

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