Patellar Tendon Eccentric Loading

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This video is level 3 of patellar tendon strengthening: Patellar Tendon Eccentric Strengthening


CastleIsLife Katic says:

for anyone else looking for exercises i’ve been doing different rehab and exercises for 3 weeks and nothing was helping and my knee was getting worse. i literally did 3 sets of the sitting slowly and genuinely felt immediate relief. just two days dojng this has helped more than anything else i’ve tried

Jenna Bate says:

Hi there I am 6 weeks post op acl meniscus reconstruction with patellar tendon graft are these safe for strengthening for pt?

Bráulio Lima says:

Nice video!

19 97 says:

is it possible to get pt for not using my full foot ,using only heel for a month because of ankle sprain,i gradually get pt like also have hip pain
also i tested mildly l5s1 herniated disc

Dreamy says:

If I have knee pain, will it strengthen my knees to come to normal again?
Btw its not severe but it hurts when doing squats

ImJustPhoenix says:

Been struggling with PT for 6 months now and I’m wondering if once my knee heals will it ever be the same?

Anthony Vega says:

Amazing. Thank you

Brandon Jelks says:

Thanks for these videos!!! In this video you hinted to another level. Do you have another video for the 4th level? I will subscribe if you do lol.

MF says:

Great channel man. My question is how long should i do these eccentric exercises(approx weeks, months..) and what goes after phase of eccentric training

Nicholas Fava says:

hi thanks for the videos they are really helpful, however i am confused regarding the progression from isometric to concentric and eccentric. how should I incorporate these into a rehab program and when should i be back to normal training?

ed says:

Is it ok to have slight symptoms after these excersizes

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