Patella Tendon Rehab Sample PrehabX Content

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Patella Tendon Fix? LOAD!!!
๐Ÿ’ฅ Before we get into treatment of the patella tendon, we must first know it is truly your pain generator. Patella tendon pain is typically experienced during periods of load which will immediately cease upon removal of the load. Often times people think they have patellar tendon pain when in reality they have patellofemoral pain, which is pain manifesting from where the kneecap or patella meets the femur or thigh bone. Hallmark signs of patellar tendinopathy include:
1๏ธโƒฃ Pain localized to the inferior pole of the patella, AKA pain just underneath the kneecap
2๏ธโƒฃ Load-related pain that increases with the demand on the knee extensors, notably in activities that store and release energy in the patellar tendon
๐Ÿง Did you know our exercise library breaks down exercises by diagnosis?! All you have to do is click on the diagnosis tab, click โ€œPatellar Tendinopathyโ€ and BOOM you will find all the exercises we commonly prescribe in the clinic right there.
๐Ÿ”ฅ Here are some isotonic exercises for patellar tendon pain! Isotonic exercises, just mean that you are keeping a load on a muscle while it’s moving through a range of motion. Loaded isotonic exercises can begin when performing these exercises create pain of 3/10 or less. The more knee bending the more stress on the patella tendon, so work within your range of motion. When beginning this stage you will likely limit the knee bending to between 10 – 60 degrees of knee bending, proceed with caution here!
๐Ÿ“ In this stage, exercises should be performed for 15 repetitions max, meaning that you are at failure come 15 repetitions, for 3 to 4 sets. Every second day you can progress the load until you are at a 6 reputation max. This progression is based on a clinical trial by Kongsgaard et al.
Shown here include:
โ–ช๏ธSingle Leg Spanish Squat
โ–ช๏ธAnterior Reach With Wedge With Kettlebell
โ–ช๏ธDouble Leg Spanish Squat
โ–ช๏ธGoblet Squat With Wedge With Kettlebell
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Rลnin The Samurai says:

I've spent a lot of time looking into this method and the research by Kongsgaard and also by Malliaris et al… Whilst you're correct with the load progression which implies Heavy Slow Resistance (HSR) written in your video description, how can one increase load on the Spanish Leg squat, or even with the Kettle Bell wedge Squat .. doesnt make sense to me. The research by Malliaris describes the (HSR) method – which uses Leg Press, Knee Extension and Single Leg Squat and/or Hack Squat – its easier to load up on these than it is using the 25Deg Board – as this is more for Eccentric contraction. Not saying the 25Deg board doesn't strengthen the Quads, but how are you going to progress load with your ankles in so much flexion, with a kettlebell at that? Please Google the "4 Stage Management Program for Jumpers Knee – Blog by Rayner & Smale": Isometrics, Isotonics, Energy loading/storage to Sport – these explanation of the blog method is spot on. I Love your channel, just not so sure about the mix up of exercises described, as I don't think they're strictly following those stated in the eccentric-concentric HSR method, but of course I may be wrong as I'm not a physio – just an amateur fitness enthusiast. Regards

Carlos Pรฉrez says:

Hi there! love your channel – Wanted to ask a question, I had a patellar tendon reconstruction surgery 9 months ago, been doing rehab all these time and lately I started feeling pain in my tendon again. I am very active and workout 4/5 times a week my upper body and tried to build slowly on my legs too (I havent gone crazy with weights nor any other functional sport since surgery). I am wondering if doing this routine 3 or 4 times a week with a rest day in between would be helpful or too much (I might have some kind of tendonitis on the injured leg) combined with stretching and fascia release; do you think doing 3 sets of 12 reps each exercise could help? should I add weight week on week on the eccentric? Thanks in advance (I also understand it is difficult to give advice if you dont have the full picture, apologies for long comment!)

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