JustDance Light For Seniors With Paula Bickford # 2

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Try out JustDance Light, previously titled Zumba Gold with Paula Bickford. Classes offered in Calgary at The Confederation Park 55 + Activity Centre. Check out yycseniors.com for more information.


Charleston Living with Cindy Sweeney says:

The music is so much better than the stuff on the other dance videos for over 50. THANK YOU!!!!

Manor Fit says:

It’s easy to follow and fun!

MIng Ng says:

Paula, what happen to just dance #3? It is my favourite !

Ces Alfer says:

Thank you Paula. I am 63 yrs old from the Philippines. Sweaty though 30 minutes. Nice groove

lusinsam says:

My first class. I love it.

Maureen MacDonald says:

Loved this class, thanks for making it fun and easy.

Alicia Crespo says:

Paula, you are the best! Thank you for bringing back energy to my body and soul.

Benita Maria Murrel says:

love your steps and movements- really fun! thanks

Red Bruby Farm says:

Thanks for your great workout videos Paula. I'm not a senior but this is a great way to get my daughters and I moving during lockdown!

Susan Novie says:

Such a fabulous choice of music on this one👏❣️👍👯‍♀️💃🏻as your first song says..”you are simply the best”….

Chitra Doraiswami says:

Its great fun, Paula! Thanks!!

Patricia Ackley says:

Loved this one. Had to concentrate on some moves that haven't done before. Thanks Paula.

Iris Otobor says:

Just found your videos and they are great for starting my day 😃 I sprained my ankle badly over a year ago and thought I’d never be able to dance again … this is easing me in gently…thank you 👍🏽

Janie Scholes says:

Thanks for being with me in hotel detention in Melbourne Australia 🙏🙂

Jane Clark says:

Love your sweet personality. thank you!

Lena says:

This music is fabulous!! Thank you so much for these great videos and no jumping!! 🙂

Miryelis Rojas de Mendez says:

I like your style… thank you for this work out

Roxy says:

You are awesome!! Thank you from another Zumba gold instructor ♥️

meg francis says:

Thank you so mch Paula for d doable n fun exercises❤

Kathy Hyde says:

Thank you Paula. With your videos I feel like I can do them even though I am a senior. Thank you for making them possible and setting them to music, one of my loves.

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