Standing Core Workout for Seniors, Beginner Exercisers

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This standing abs workout is for seniors and beginners new to exercising. These exercises will strengthen your core, supporting your everyday movement. My mom and I are happy to share it with you! Below are the five exercises in this video:

– Wood Chop
– Good Morning
– Standing Twist
– Side Punch
– Side Bend

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yes2next celebrates fitness and joy after 50. It’s never too late to start exercising, creating, and doing. Let’s say “yes” to our next adventures in fitness and life.

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Thank you to the following artists for their awesome music:

Music by
– Early Hours: Download:
– Horizon: Download:
– Perfect: Download:

Song: Erik Lund – Tokyo Sunset (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

Song: Markvard – Spring
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

Song: Jarico – Island (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:


Cheryl malone says:

This was great! Do you have anymore standing ab workouts?

Biosolutions says:

This core workout is great do you have a core workout thats a bit longer but same level?

Deborah Jones says:

Thanks I'm enjoying these core exercises. I'm not clear though specifically what it means in these core exercises, and others, when you say 'engage your core'. Can you somewhere talk about what you mean by this April, and what that should feel like. in general, I appreciate all the times when you mention what a specific exercise should feel like. It really helps me orient to the muscles we are working on. Thanks to you both – yes2next has give me a new lease on life. xx

Graham Thomas says:

The music is much too loud. I can’t hear you dpeak.

phyllis Supa says:

wonderful workout something i can do since I hurt my left knee so I doing the easiest I can now I always find a way to do excercise no matter what I isssues I have thank u both blessings

Ann Weech says:

That’s a new one for me. I liked it, thank you.

Desh Chaggar says:

Background music a little loud on this one.

Josey NOYB says:

Thank you very much and a very sweet video!

Mary Grimshaw says:

Excellent program. It has helped me a great deal.Well paced and encouraging for the less agile like me.

Cecilia Wilds says:

Very good , am thankful for you both . Blessings for great health !

Margaret Kolcze says:

The Standing core workout starts out fine but after second exercise your voice cuts out then music starts to boom/tried adjusting volume but cannot hear you April

Anna-Marie Booth says:

love the standing core exercises!

1433Jeanne says:

I love your exercise videos. I have developed a rather unsteady gait; just started using a cane if on uneven surfaces. I'm thinking I need legs, core & balance strength training. I want to feel more confident & strong when I walk. Any other exercise suggestions? Thank you.

Constance (Ladystormtracker) says:

I just love you two! You are such a blessing! I feel much more safe exercising in my own home. God bless you!!

gail hudspeth says:

I've tried a bunch of different videos you've made & really like all of them. I really enjoy the 30 min pyramid walking. Working my way up to your 50 min cardio & strength soon (I hope). Thanks for making vids – appreciated!

bethcrumbacker says:

I believe this was my 1st. Core workout – I needed it more then I knew ! Thank you , ladies .

Mrs.pratima Mahajan says:

Excellent Workout!
Good morning mam.

Laurrie Anne Malizia says:

I love your videos. Thank you for understanding the Older issues with balance and strength. Wicked awesome workouts!

Kerrie Carley says:

Still with you girls each morning. Feel stronger and in spite of deformities through rheumatoid I feel good.

Full Moon says:

Tried this today and love 💘 it! Blessings to both of you, April and Aiko!🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

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