Senior Fitness – Simple Stretching Chair Exercises for Seniors

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In this session, we are going through some easy seated stretching exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Regular stretching is a great way to keep your body loose and relaxed as you go through your day. Also, focus on sitting comfortably while maintaining a relaxed posture to get the best out of your stretching time.

Taking time to work through your arms, back, shoulders, neck and other areas of your body by following this simple video can make a big difference in your day to day activities so hopefully you have a moment to give this a try.

Have a great workout!


inma blanco font says:

I love these stretches, I do them every week 鉂わ笍馃實馃檹馃嚜馃嚫

Willie Watts Troutman says:

馃挄Love your Videos! Thank U Lady Merideth

Kristine Wilson says:

Great stretch to get the day started for my 96yr old mom

patrickyap123 says:

Thank you my friend


Love this. A good thing for me to do to relax in the evening.


I did this abbreviated stretch this morning before a big 9 ball tournament in Shibuya, Tokyo. Keep your fingers crossed for me and I'll get back to you with the results after the tournament is done.

讜专讛 讜专讛 讜专讛 says:


19 00 says:

I LOVE all your exercises,great things to do during the Great Lockdown.Thanks

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