How To Lose Weight Fast For Men Over 40 (In 6 Easy Steps)

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Whether you’re looking for tips to lose weight fast because of an upcoming event like a vacation or a wedding, or whether it’s for health needs, you should make sure the steps you take are sustainable over the long term. That’s EXACTLY what I’m going to show you in this video.

If you follow crash diets or plans that are super restrictive, you’ll hinder your progress over the long term, which has no benefit to you. We’ll dive in with a tip that sounds a little counter-intuitive but holds many more benefits to your health than just fast weight loss.

*Tip #1 – Get More Sleep (1:56)

Sleep is the number one most important tip to lose weight fast for men. It is nature’s reset button and helps your body to burn fat instead of muscle, as well as controlling hunger and stress levels. Both of these will be super helpful when it comes to your weight loss results!

I recommend aiming for a MINIMUM of 7 hours of sleep each night. If you’re currently getting less than this, you need to evaluate why this is and try to fix your sleep schedule to make 7 hours your absolute minimum number of hours per night.

*Tip #2 – Follow The 4 x 4 Meal Timing (3:07)

The 4 x 4 meal timing approach is simply eating 4 meals spaced 4 hours apart. For example, you could eat breakfast at 8 am, lunch at 12 pm, Snack at 4 pm, and dinner at 8 pm. This helps control hunger, avoid cravings, and keep blood sugar levels even throughout the day. All of these things will have a positive impact on your attempt to lose weight fast.

*Tip #3 – Drink More Water (6:31)

Next on my list of losing weight fast tips for men is hydration! Drinking more water is often an area that people fall down on in general day to day living, let alone when they are trying to lose weight fast. It is incredibly important though, not only because every cell in your body contains water, but because fat metabolism is done by your liver. If your liver only needs to filter water, it doesn’t need to work very hard. This frees it up to metabolize more fat!

*Tip #4 – 30-Min Of Daily Activity (7:43)

When the time comes to lose weight fast, men often jump straight to hardcore workouts. Believe it or not, formal workouts are not completely necessary as normal daily activity, when combined with good sleep, hydration and a good diet will help you lose weight fast almost as effectively.

30-minutes of daily activity, such as walking, cycling, gardening, etc. will burn calories, but also boost your metabolism which helps you continue burning calories after your activity is finished. Use this excellent lose weight fast tips for men over 40 to start shedding the pounds today.

*Tip #5 – 3-4 MRT Workouts Per Week (9:25)

Once you’ve got your sleep, hydration, diet, and daily activity habits down to second nature, you can start adding in formal exercise workouts to help push the needle even faster in the right direction. My recommendation is MRT (Metabolic Resistance Training), which combines strength training with cardio and flexibility for a great all-around workout.

*Tip #6 – Use Smart Supplements (11:41)

The final one of my how to lose weight fast tips for men over 40 is to use smart and effective supplements to help with fast weight loss. The easiest ones to start out with are simple black coffee and green tea. These are readily available anywhere and have great benefits such as increasing metabolism and fat burning as well as curbing hunger.

Put these 6 great lose weight fast tips for men into action, and you’ll see the scales moving in the right direction in no time.

If you feel your lifestyle could use an improvement, then check out our FF30X 30-Day Transformation Program at →
If you want to start putting on muscle TODAY, check out our Fit Father Old School Muscle Building Program at →

Your friends here at the FFP,

-Dr. Balduzzi + The Men’s Health Experts @ The Fit Father Project

**Disclaimer: This information is for reference purposes ONLY and cannot replace personal information you can and should discuss with your Doctor. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Results vary by individual, so we do not guarantee you will get the same results as any shown here or on our website.


Frank Lange says:

I have been trying to lose weight now for 5 years…I failed .over and over…I have to get down to a healthy weight for my health and my family ..but it's a battle for me .

Leaf says:

Can u make a video on intermittent fasting for men over 40? Is it okay for them to do it?

Leaf says:

These videos are really helpful, THANKYOU 💜

James Dodson says:

Y’all think he’s a real doctor? I have my doubts. Hey , I myself have a PhD good ol Public High school Diploma.

Sean Sullivan says:

This is nonsense I'm 38. 5' 8" and got up to 205 pounds. I look really good and fit with decent muscle mass and can see my abs at 165 and 170. So so putting on 30 to 35 pounds of fat makes me look like I'm pregnant. I went on a strict 1500 calorie diet without working out and lost the weight no problems in 2.5 months

jacobenowyaknowme says:

Your metabolism doesn't get "damaged" and harder to lose weight later. Such bull shit. Also…. the body doesn't choose to burn muscle when sleeping instead of fat…. again…. such bull shit.

otahu Rice says:

I'm 47 Retired = I Am active about 6hours a day beyond the gym. kayaking, hiking, biking, lawn mowing, in winter i snowshoe, ski, hike. I go to the gym 3hours a day 5 days a week with 2 rest days in-between. 1 n half hour cardio, 30min stretching, 45 min weights.. Sleep 6 to 8 hours with one wake up to pee in middle of sleep., Drink 2liters of water and more over a day. I eat healthy but I'll be darned if I can't loose some inches. I'm on a two meal with 2 snacks a day plan. I've gone through 32 chickens this month. 50lbs of Rice, 10 lbs mixed stir fry.. 10 cans of tuna- I'm 232lbs and Can't seem to loose any inch's. What am I doing wrong?

Greig Sanderson says:

Why are you tensing your biceps?

Suneet Sukumaran says:

Do you have android app to enroll for the plan so that people in other parts of the world can benefit from the program?

Joey says:

Since you mentioned Black Coffee,.I'm in! thanks doc!

Glen Arledge says:

Unfortunately there are many who do not work a regular schedule. I’m on call 24/7 365 and subject to get called to work at any hour. There is no such thing as morning, noon, or night for me.

Are You Aware - Health says:

Great video! Clearly explains it very well! Good job!

Kisle says:

Take it from this 20 something he knows how its done for men over 40?

Bane Gamboa says:

Does it count if I break up my 30 minutes of daily activity?

Nicholas Sans Pasty says:

The problem with losing weight fast is it doesn't tackle the main problem, probably fine if you only have 10 or 15lbs to lose but any more I think the mental mindset that made you gain in the first place will just remain. Quite a few times over the years I've lost a lot of weight only to gain it again over the next few years and this wasn't even from crash dieting. It takes time to change to shift old habits and replace them with new ones so for long term change I think it's best to lose it slowly and work on both diet and psychology at the same time. If you can get into the mind frame to enjoy every small success it comes as a series of hits reinforcing a more positive attitude over a longer time, rather than reaching your goal and thinking what now, trying to maintain it but falling into the same old traps. The perfect plate idea is simple and very good.

ScagSwag21 says:

I work swing shifts and avg 56-64 hrs a wk so sleep is a giant hurdle to a healthy lifestyle for me.

Cherry Cola says:

How about for a woman

wasim shaikh says:

After eating whole day oat meal i am losing wieght very slowly

B Serna says:

I get between 9 and 10 hours of sleep per night. #1, check!

Nayem The Whitefish says:

I am determined to spread the word about Forwago. This personalized plan turned my life around 180 degrees. Now I'm working out, started exploring some business opportunities, and in a healthy relationship.

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