How To Fix Tennis Elbow in 3 Simple Steps

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Struggle with Tennis Elbow? Here are some tips and tricks on how to improve your tennis elbow issues.

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Apolipschi says:

What a relief! Thank you so much!:)

Dave S says:

What about not on the outside of the elbow but underneath or the backside?

BMS strugglers united Transylvania says:

Thankyou sir , I've been taking physiotherapy(tennis elbow ) for weeks now but your exercises are helping me gain my strength back .
I'm finally able to go back to gym and start with light weight weight exercises .love from India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ โ™ฅ๏ธ

sy dang says:

Thank you joe


Hi I was twisting a rag to squeeze the water out of the rag and felt a pop in my wrist, it didn't hurt in my wrist but did start to hurt in I guess the muscles that run up to my elbow area up close to the elbow not in the lower part of the arm, do you think I could have torn something close to that bone? it's been a couple months and it's better than it was, if it was torn is this something they would operate on? I'm 70 in good shape and will try the exercises, just thought to look on YouTube today. Thanks

Tim Zelikovsky says:

I have severe atrocious tennis elbow on my left elbow and soon to be tennis elbow on my right elbow, but Iโ€™m a goddamn grinder and fighter and ainโ€™t nothing can stop my grind

Marc Marc says:

I want to give you thumbs up but what about ice and how long will it take to be all good of fix?????

Eric Diamond says:

IMO the only thing that fixes tennis elbow is long term rest. Massage and these little exercises are not a solution to fix it. I say that from experience. I wish I was wrong though!

JAY JAY says:

Thank you great advice I seeked medical advice before and he basically said what you shared . Only question is doing this on a daily basis how long before itโ€™s back to its optimum . Only thing I can think of was me painting the garden fence panels in order to get this condition. Thanks

Steve says:

Thanks for this I am pretty strong but my right elbo always get overworked . Is it from lack of strength in the forearms ?

Can you still lift weights or should you work your way up ? I was using a 20 pound weight .

Anyways how about lower inner back and hips where they connect in the back . Thanks

Jeff Alfonso says:

is this really effective while suffering in pain?

Microwave Hate Machine says:

When you said the pain is in the out side of your elbow you pressed on the side bit.

I have pain in the outside of mine bit is more in the far point of mine. Would this technique still help me? Or do I suffer some something else? I have been suffering for about 4 months now. I stretch the arm every day.

Mike Bess says:

Can we do this everyday before work?

Yedidi Premalatha says:

Excellent Dr

Muhammad Azeem says:

Many thanks

joseph croft says:

i cant even straighten my arm out

1nf3ct3dTT says:

Would a terraband flex bar be even better as an exercise? (I assume that training the extensors in their job as slowing down wrist snapping would be even more beneficial because that is probably where the pain is coming from right?

ideaologie says:

Does this hold true if the pain is located opposite the elbow from where you described? I experience that pain at the inside edge of the elbow.

Ryan Mcpizza says:

Great video!

I'm trying to help my tennis elbow so I can ride the mountain bike I just got. I just ordered a massage ball.

Would you say riding a mountain bike (on or off trail) would be good, bad OR neutral for tennis elbow?

History Matters says:

How long (days) should you do this for btw?

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