Shoulder Impingement Exercises

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These exercises are useful for shoulder impingement. Make sure that you also watch the video about what causes shoulder impingement to fully understand how you should treat it.

👉You may also find this video useful: What Causes Shoulder Impingement:

🌟Need more help with your injury? You’re welcome to consult one of the team at SIP online via video call for an assessment of your injury and a tailored treatment plan:

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bette smith says:

Thanks, these exercises helped.

Michaelrey Perez says:

Thank you, very nice of the truth

James Johnson says:

Pain Ache Lt top anterior humerus and mid scapula aggravated esp w/ swimming pulling down back or sleeping on Lt side arm forward. Past Hx noted Slight ache w/ swimming but now more persistent X 3yrs after during progressive increased number of push-ups ( 400/day ). Always daily routine 100 push-up 40 pull ups. Despite daily scapula exercises ( pulling back back strokes or half back scooping ) now even after sleeping on back, resting or consciously pulling back late w/ swimming I had consistent pain ache after my swim. Rotator cuff muscle / s tear? Suggestions? Thank you

Cloris Kylie says:

Thanks so much, Maryke

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