Knee Replacement Program Pre Operation Exercises

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Learn how the experienced providers at MMP – Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, and the MMC Joint Replacement Center create better outcomes for patients through pre-surgery physical therapy.

0:00 Introduction
0:35 Ankle Pumps
1:38 Quad Setting
2:21 Heel Slides
3:04 Hip Abduction
3:49 Short Arc Quad
5:34 Seated Heel Slide
6:13 Seated Straight Leg Raise


Specialized 29er says:

lol one your bad ley you funny I have 10/10 2 bad legs

Julia Smith-Hynes says:

This is what I need

Mz.A says:

Did Janet actually have the surgery or just demonstrating, because if you've got two really bad knees like mine it's not so simple to do these having to bend the other leg. I wish there were videos showing people with badly injured knees how to do knee exercises. I do do some of these and I see a couple I can try. Thank you.

Leslie McElheny says:

Going to start these no, before I see the surgeon.

Sunny All Day says:

These leg-knee exercises are VERY helpful!! Thank you very much for sharing them!! 😀

Judith James says:

Thank you so much for posting this so that I could begin right away before coming into the office.

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