Core Strength Workout | SilverSneakers

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A short-and-sweet routine to fire up your entire midsection.

There are so many perks to having a strong core. For one, when your abdominal, back, and glute muscles are strong and work together as one, you’ll have better stability. That means you’ll be able to bend, twist, walk, and play with greater ease.

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Susan Wharrey says:

Love your workout but my insurance does not cover silver sneakers. Is there anyway I could pay to have silver sneakers membership??

Marnee H says:

I thoroughly enjoy your workouts. I'm just getting started (at 67), and I have faith I can do this. Love seeing your sweet beastie at the end of the video.

Nancy von Seekamm says:

Love the dog helper on the sofa 🙂

Mirada Lynn says:

Thank you for the great workout!

Linda Russ says:

Love your body! I’m glad they’re using real women with real bodies, not Twig thin models!! Great workout!

Elaine Schultz says:

These are great, but very confused by incorrect left/right directions.

Mary Ann Webb says:

Thank you so much,loved them

judyhoyt says:

Love the doggie on the sofa.

joann fleming says:

Love these core exercises.

janine cox says:

Good morning sunshine ☀️

Michael Goldman #2 says:

Just a little aside, do know the different between port & starboard on boat🤷🏻‍♂️. ??

Debbie Otto says:

Always professional always helpful! From teacher to teacher thank you and the rest of the silver sneakers team!

Helen Solomon says:

Love this ❤️

Karynn Riddle says:

Love your yellow shoes!

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