ALL levels | ALL standing, NO cardio | DUMBBELLS | BURN 75 – 125 calories | MODERATE day | INCLUDES warm up + cool down
This one’s for my Bs with SCIATICA – a STRENGTH workout that’s good for your low back pain! We’re combining a quick core strength and stretching session with some traditional standing dumbbell work for a full body tone up that’s designed to help relieve and prevent sciatic pain.
** Disclaimer: please see your doctor about YOUR specific low back pain for diagnosis and treatment, and follow the advice of your health care provider and/or physical therapist
Standing strength workouts are always good for your muscle tone and bone density, but this routine is specifically designed to protect your lower back from strain, with no transitions to the ground and exercises that don’t reach above your head or twist.
We’re taking things at a MODERATE pace today, with moderate weights, so we can really focus on excellent form.
Grab these comfy Neleus leggings (they have a pocket!) from Amazon (affiliate link):
CORE STRENGTH + LOW BACK STRETCH (untimed and uncounted; do these exercises at a pace and in a range that feels best to you)
Gentle Back Bend with Hand Support
Knee to Chest Balance
Standing Pretzel Stretch
Split Stance Back Bend with Support
The interval timer is set for 45 seconds; complete the main circuit twice
Side Raise High Knee
Step Back Front Raise
Squat with Lower X
High Knee Curls
Step Back Delt Raises
Squat with Chest Openers
Front Kick Back Kick
Thanks for working out with me! Be sure to LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE the video with your friends!
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❤ Pahla B – your BEST fitness friend! ❤
Thank you I enjoyed the stretch with strength training combo 💪
This routine hurts my knees quite a lot bcz of osteoporosis arthritis on them. Any other recommendation with siatica pain plz?
A new favorite! I've had this in my queue and kept forgetting about it!
Thanks for this very useful workout, Pahla B. I will use it to strengthen my back! 😊
Diagnosed with spondylolisthesis, which some days cause sciatic pain. Like you said, my doctor also recommended "exercises that don't cause pain", and the chiropractor recommended 45 minutes of walking a day. Following the advice of both leaves me in more pain on subsequent days; the type pain that doesn't feel like the exercises are beneficial. All the research I've done leads to core strengthening, which can be done without too much walking for now. Thanking God for letting me find this channel. These exercises are perfect! They provide relief, make me feel good/accomplished from getting a good workout, easy to follow, and no bad pain the next day. Thank you so much for sharing your story and knowledge!!!!!
24/Sept/21 Pahla, appreciate all your videos. I was in a sory of unhappy place mentally today so this was good to do. I do yoga a fair bit so I needed some more prompts about what to do with my pubic bone during these workouts. Tucked under or not. That sort of thing. Added this one to an active rest day schedule I have. THanks again.
Thank you so much for this video Pahla..i am 34 years old and i had sciatica with horrible low back pain…now that i am.feeling betrer, this video is helping me a lot to recover…can you make another strentgh training for sciatica please in order to switch between the two during the week ? Thank you a lot ❤
I felt the relief right away. OMG!!!!!
Thanks so much, Pahla. Am pain free after a long long time. God bless.
Hi Pahla
I came across your videos few days back. I have just entered in to my 40's , but experiencing sciatica on n off from few months back. Your video today uplifted me , as I thought now the pain is going to be life long companion. But no, you gave me a hope that we can live pain free . I will go through all your related videos n try to incorporate in my schedule daily! Daily….I have underlined it in my head 🙂
Nice workout! Thanks Pahla!
I really enjoyed these movements…great workout! See ya tomorrow! Thank you! ♥
The stretching was great, the strength was SWEATY – oh yeah, the slow moving/focus/pull in my core was SUPER! Love the slow moving strength thinking workouts that toss in a surprise sweat (plus, I did all the moves and loved that portion of the workout). I just love all the workouts, truthfully! Thanks Pahla for always (and I mean like 98.9%) of the time, turning my thoughts around with a great workout.
I love this video. Due to lower back pain, I do this workout 3 times a week. is it possible to get another workout for lower back pain? I have looked at your other back videos, but didn't care for them since some were short and some were on the floor. BTW, I'm a woman of a certain age also. I'm 50++, count those pluses as decades. Any chance of getting a workout for seniors? Keep up the good "work" outs. 😉
Perfect and calming actually. SFG!
Thanks enjoyed this as Friday moderate all except the “baby roll” could not get over without help from arm 🤷♀️ that was hard .. 🤣🤣
One of favourite workouts thanks can suggest exercise for healthy gut
Thank you so much for this workout. Very helpfull.
Felt great but not moderate 🤦♀️ I think that’s just me .. wanting/thinking I need more thanks 😉