3 Essential Core Exercises For Seniors!

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Are you a senior and want to strengthen your core?

Well Eric has 3 exercises that will make a huge difference in strengthening your stomach and back (core). The great thing about these exercises for seniors, is that they require very little equipment and have different ways to modify them.

Time Stamps
Intro – 0:00
Plank – 0:46
Bird Dog- 3:14
ASLR – 5:11

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Hi! My name is Eric Daw! I am an Older Adult Specialist and Bone Fit Trained Specialist. And if you are a senior who is trying to improve their health and fitness or have loved who fall into this category, then this is DEFINITELY the place for YOU! On this channel, I upload videos weekly on topics such as ways to live longer and more fulfilled, building strength, healthy aging etc…


Eric Daw says:

Which ones do you do already?

Spencer A Weiss says:

Hi Eric, thanks for this video. It suits my needs more than others I checked out.

Portia Snyder says:

Oh my goodness lol I’m shaky when I do the bird dog hahaha my balance is no so good so I’m working on it ….. love your videos so much❤️

NancyK94 says:

Great video and channel. Going to start doing these exercises. Do you have any exercises for gaining flexibility for getting off the floor from kneeling positions ?

Ernie Leveritt says:

Thank you so much for the modified versions. Just had lower back surgery four weeks ago so I don’t feel ready for the ones on the floor.

P. JaJa says:

Thank you so much, Eric, for another set of excellent exercises. I've combined your exercises, with UPRIGHT HEALTH – channel and I tell you, I am getting there! I feel so pulled together on the inside.

I find that I'm hesitating less to go upstairs, step off the curb, get up and sit down because my muscles are firing, my movements, are more fluid, natural, and automatic. A lot of the plotting and planning on how to move is fading away as I get stronger.

I still say, you are the best teacher! Thank you for all that you do, the way you do it!👍🏾😀

Michael McKinley says:

Unless I missed it, you mentioned planking for 20-30 seconds, resting, then doing it again. How many reps?

Harriett Campbell says:

You’re awesome … as someone commented when the student 👩‍🎓 is ready, the teacher will find you!

Curtis Steele says:

I’m 89 and am in isolation from Covid-19 infection. I ordinarily go to the gym and have a personal trainer, and have been concerned about losing fitness. Your videos have been extremely helpful. Thank you very much!

Robert Francis says:

Thank you Eric great info

Lisa Latta says:

How many days do you recommend to do these exercises per week

MegaMusical10 says:

Great! The explanation was really the eye-opener, my form has been way off. Thanks Eric!

Riky Jo says:

Thank you, Eric.

Daughterbeloved says:

I'll be 71 in January (!) and have always been a workout fanatic. I worked for the Y in Jax. FL in the 90s and worked out at work and at home. I do my own workout at home 5 days a week still from things I learned at the Y…..I sure was encouraged after watching this video that I do planks on the floor – 5 sets, for a count of 50 at each workout. Now I'm going to try these other 2 that you demonstrated. Thanks!

Don Donnell says:

Thanks Eric, for this information. You certainly know how to share a lot of useful information in a clear and concise manner. I appreciate all of your videos.

R Martin says:

Great job love your videos

Kirsten Vogel says:

Definitely appreciate the modified versions! I do #3 so it's easy, #1 not so much. Thanks.

Sherry Lowe says:

Instructions on form are priceless. Thank you.

Michael Do says:

To help my knees I use a yoga mat.

Time Enuf says:

My chiropractor from years back recommended all three in the program he had. Think I'll pop them back in my new routine (started by your videos!!!). Thank you so very much for your inspiration.

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