Over 60 Fitness! Old Guy Physique. (Stopped Running / Got Bigger and Leaner!)

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Over 60 Fitness! Old Guy Physique Check In for this 61 Year Old. No running, 1 workout a day and strength training focused!
I was afraid I would gain body fat when I removed all long, slow running from my workout program and switched to 1 workout a day instead of 2. Plus, I now focus on Barbell Strength Training a the foundation of my workout program.
I am pleasantly surprised by this new program. I have definitely gained some muscle mass and not any body fat!
So, this is my latest body composition check using my new program.

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Join me on the journey.
Go get ’em!


David says:

looks like you were already in good shapre by age 60. What about a guy who is in terrible shape….I think you're workouts would cause injury

Progressive Truth Seekers says:

Great shape!

Alleem says:

How much testosterone are you using ????

deborah dewar says:

ok i submit , omg those biceps, what a guy !!

G Mann says:

You are in amazing shape man, id love to look like that at 60.

Brian Currie says:

Impressive. Great guns

SirMasterCarlos says:

I'm about a few month close to your age. I'm a firm believer that at a certain age one has to tweak workouts so that they aren't counteractive. I've changed my workouts a few times once I hit 60 and it's been good. I've decided to do 3 sets of 10-12 reps for each body part, except for the push-ups/sit-ups of which I do 4 sets of 25 reps = 100 for both exercises. Tues/Thurs I do about 1hr – 1hr 10mins of step cardio or jumping jacks, since I have a bit more body weight than you, I'm 5'7" tall and weigh in at 182 lbs. It's helped per my last physical which was on Feb 15th. Who knows, maybe by the age of 70 I'll be changing it up and I'll be at 2 workouts a week, keeping the cardio but depending what shape I'm in maybe lower the amount of time. Now I workout 3 times a week , full body, with 35lbs dumbbells and those 2 days (Tues/Thurs) cardio. I rest on Sat/Sun, I eat healthy, fruits/vegetables and lots of water and a vegan protein shake because I have IBS. I've never smoked or drank or used recreational drugs. So bring on the years and lets see what happens. I've been working out since middle school. Enjoy the days and coming weekend, Mark.

Fred Allen says:

Tremendous shape on you mark. Will you bother cutting at some point or are you happy as you are? I would be, just wondering what you’re planning

Mike Rushton says:

Your physique is better than most 20 year olds! Great job man I know it gets harder as you get older but your smashing it! 💪

Sal’s Classic Bodybuilding Archives says:

Hi there Mark; you're looking great. This is Daniel from Long Beach. I think you are more symmetrical then you think. If you are like most Youtubbers; you may be using a GoPro/wide angle or fish-eye type of lens that distorts your footage and you. Depending on what editing software you are using; you can correct lens distortion or lens curvature. This will render a more accurate view/normal view. Give that a try and see what you think. Peace, Daniel.

Alan Norman says:

Good Work! If you are going for the 'look' then a tan would make everything a little better without breaking sweat. February in the northern hemisphere is not a great time to accomplish this goal I suppose.

The Latin Samurai says:

I will be 61 in the spring. You are doing great and are an inspiration to us of your age. Have you looked into getting a DEXA Scan to see how much fat to muscle composition you have? I am still working on getting fat off my middle.

John M says:

Incredible transformation within the span of 6-weeks! More muscular and significantly more defined Abs. You’ve found the right workout regime to both and increase muscle and simultaneously reduce your body fat percentage. Congrats Mark!!!

Bach's Car says:

Congratulations on your new workout plan, Mark, and thanks for the content you provide here. Your arms are as vascular as all get-out, and as I recall, from a previous video, so are your legs. Also, you look twice as good as guys half your age! I haven't been at this lifting/working out/fitness craze anywhere near as long as you, but I too have noticed changes to my body compared to a year ago. Like you, I've been a little surprised but very pleased about the improvements I've made to the way I look. Along with the size gains I've seen with my various body parts, I'm still hungry and a little bit greedy about getting bigger. Can I do it? Will it happen? I don't know for sure, but what I do know is I intend to have fun trying to get there! 💪🏻

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Grey Beard says:

You look fantastic… that a body of work for sure..well done, Sir!

60 Plus Fitness Journey says:

Hey Gang! This is a Body Composition Check In since I reverted to my new Workout Program. I changed from 2 workouts a day to 1, stopped doing all long, slow running AND implemented my Barbell Strength Training approach. I was worried that I would gain body fat if I stopped running. That did not happen. As a matter of fact I gained some muscle and, at a minimum, stayed at the same body fat level. Anyway, feeling pretty stoked by this new program!
Go get 'em!

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