Patellar Tendonitis? (DO THIS FOR KNEE PAIN!)

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Do you really have patellar tendonitis? Find out today and what the first step should be to fix.

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Shout out 3d4Medical with the Complete Anatomy App visual of the body shown in today’s video.



Shad says:

So if you don’t have pain or are not a young athlete and you do this then what happens?

Tony Visser says:

Wow! Thank you so much! This was exactly what I was struggling with, and after testing it for the past couple days in the gym my knee pain has completely vanished with proper warm-ups; almost feels miraculous!

John Wolford says:

Doing a single leg deep squat is what company here in the first place having 3 years ago it's never healed fully I can't sit for 6-8 weeks I have to work

Luke 391 says:

I satrted doing step ups and nordic hamstring curls and it's solving my knee pain, now it's almost gone

odlore says:

@squaduniversity Can you make a video about bicep tendotinis

Brzrkrr says:

Thx for sharing information πŸ™‚

Black+Purple says:

I feel pain in my lower back/hip during squats, I have good ankle mobility, I am using various different leg placements, but the pain isn't going away, it only happens with barbells, but even with normal squats if I go for higher reps

BigPurp says:

Have you got any tips for elbow pain? I’ve been having really bad elbow pain when performing any chess/shoulder/tricep pressing movements for weeks now 😭😭

Raphael Nwodo says:

Or can do a content on person who has done surgery, like ankle surgery

Raphael Nwodo says:

What about if you have done a surgery before

π•π’Γ°πšπ«π« says:

I only get the pain when isolating the quads

Charles Fuller says:

Does this guy have a class or course. I would pay this guy for his knowledge. I’m a personal trainer and wish I had his knowledge

Henry Yu says:

next time don't put the captions so low, the on screen text blocks it


I have patellaform disorder. Sports doctor said it's most common reason people go there for. He said this most dangerous machine in the gym to avoid it and do the abductor machines with not much weight on it to strengthen the inner outer abductors for knee stability. I trust you though so I'll just do these holds not reps just holds.

Kai W says:

Great. Hope that this is a video not a reel so that i can pause and process what you say haha

ha says:

sounds like knees over toes

Ham AlA says:

so fast buAAAAA direct bullet,
kindly categorise the information in this vid …

Jay Wu h21 says:

What about the back of the ankle, Achilles’ tendon sharp pain when you raise your toes say for like tib raises… and then you try to stretch it by stretching your calves but it is pulling so hard that it is unbearable and feels like it might tear?? What to do?

DarthNoshitam says:

You should do a deep dive/review/debunk of Kneesovertoes guy

Maths says:

But this is still for me because prehab

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