Over 60's Full-Body Movement Workout | Mobility Exercises for Seniors
Welcome to the first, of many, 60+ Strong workouts here on YouTube. My name is Markesha and I want to welcome you to this channel! Here you'll see weekly videos focusing on helping the seniors (or over 60's) improve their balance, mobility and strength. That being said, my workouts will be great for anyone who wants to improve their health and fitness.
This particular workout is focused on helping older adults improve their mobility by performing low-impact movement exercises. It's a 30 minute workout and all you'll need is a chair to begin.
Please make sure you clear your floor space and clear any potential trip hazards before beginning.
Hope you enjoy!
- Markesha
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Subscribe to 60+ Strong to get new workouts designed for over 60's every week: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQGM4-8Sn4XlmBIiZKbLtrA?sub_confirmation=1
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Become a Premium 60+ Strong Member!
Join the 60+ Strong Premium membership and gain access to my full library of workouts designed for over 60's. What's different? You'll get full 1-hour workout videos, a minimum of two new session each week and access to my 60+ Strong structured exercise programs. Try it FREE for 30 days!
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The content on this channel, and all associated distribution platforms, is created by Markesha Hartshorn (Qualified Personal Trainer).
The information within is designed to help individuals progress towards their health and fitness goals. It is not specifically tailored to suit any injuries, health problems or any other problems that could be aggravated with low, moderate or high intensity physical exercise. If you are an individual with such problems, please seek the guidance of a GP, Personal Trainer, Physiotherapist or similar health professional.
If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.
Welcome to the first, of many, 60+ Strong workouts here on YouTube. My name is Markesha and I want to welcome you to this channel! Here you’ll see weekly videos focusing on helping the seniors (or over 60’s) improve their balance, mobility and strength. That being said, my workouts will be great for anyone who wants to improve their health and fitness.
This particular workout is focused on helping older adults improve their mobility by performing low-impact movement exercises. It’s a 30 minute workout and all you’ll need is a chair to begin.
Please make sure you clear your floor space and clear any potential trip hazards before beginning.
Hope you enjoy!
– Markesha
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Subscribe to 60+ Strong to get new workouts designed for over 60’s every week: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQGM4-8Sn4XlmBIiZKbLtrA?sub_confirmation=1
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Become a Premium 60+ Strong Member!
Join the 60+ Strong Premium membership and gain access to my full library of workouts designed for over 60’s. What’s different? You’ll get full 1-hour workout videos, a minimum of two new session each week and access to my 60+ Strong structured exercise programs. Try it FREE for 30 days!
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The content on this channel, and all associated distribution platforms, is created by Markesha Hartshorn (Qualified Personal Trainer).
The information within is designed to help individuals progress towards their health and fitness goals. It is not specifically tailored to suit any injuries, health problems or any other problems that could be aggravated with low, moderate or high intensity physical exercise. If you are an individual with such problems, please seek the guidance of a GP, Personal Trainer, Physiotherapist or similar health professional.
If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.
Hey everyone! We just posted an updated version of this workout with better audio and music! There's also options to step up the difficulty too so you can continue to see results. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2ALPdJK-BE
I enjoy working out with you. It builds up a sweat but is not overly tiring. Thank you 🙏
This was a good little work out for me to shake and break off the rust that's been building up around my muscles and joints.
Great workout after being sick with grief, PTSD, breast cancer and surgery, radiation, now severe Graves disease and Penicious Anemia, waiting for more surgery. But the anti cancer drugs and Graves disease drugs have caused osteoporosis and damage to my liver. I'm now in constant pain. I used to be super fit not even 4 years ago. Now struggling to walk without pain. But I am going to do it. I'm turning 61 next week and my life saving surgery is soon after.
Good evening Markesha..just completed yr workouts. This is my second session in yr class for this video. Decided to perform this workouts for its simplicity in the moves, the paces and it's gentleness. Feeling great. I supposed it's best for me coz I've been quite idle for many days. I supposed it's a jumpstart for me to be fit and healthy. Can't thank you enough for the videos. Good night and a pleasant dream. It's 19.00 in Malaysia.,bye.
A very good morning Markesha…wake up this beautiful morning, decided to follow you in this workouts. Feeling great. The paces, steps , intensity and duration are just PERFECT for me to start the day today. I am 69 yrs of age. Will lookout for the other workouts, trust you Markesha for a good workouts. Once again TQVM for this great workouts. Have a nice day, bye for now. It's 8.00 in Malaysia.
Day One Done!
Your routine looks perfect for me ( M66). Constructive criticism: get a mike closer to you. The echo makes it hard for me to listen.
Otherwise, outstanding job.
I'd actually do this everyday if it had a little music. UPBEAT music!! 🤗 The sound of just you talking and the noise your feet make, makes this seem extra long and tedious 🙁
Love your video. Is there some way you can dampen the echo? Maybe a headset? Also, I can't hop; what can I substitute? I subscribed.
1. You need to smile 2. need some music background 3. the eco is annoying 4. good luck!