Michelle, founder of Virtual Hand Care, shares her Top 3 Tips to decrease finger arthritis pain. There are several ways to help you continue using your fingers and hands with activities you enjoy such as playing guitar, crocheting, painting, etc.!
Exercises may only provide short term relief and do not help when you are actually performing the task. In this video, Michelle will share how external support such as rings, braces, or taping your fingers during your activity can help you keep playing, painting, or crocheting for longer.
She will also share how moist heat application along with exercises can be a great way to warm up your fingers before your start your activities. And lastly, she shares how ergonomic handles, assistive devices, and built up handles can be more joint friendly and allow you to participate in your favorite activities for longer.
OVAL-8 RING- https://virtualhandcare.com/store/#!/Oval-8%C2%AE/p/41316733. (Size correlates to ring size).
MUSCLE AID TAPE- https://virtualhandcare.com/store/#!/MuscleAidTape%C2%AE/p/105912130
MOIST HEAT WRAP- https://www.amazon.com/Sunny-Bay-Personal-Reusable-Compress/dp/B07D53HSB3?maas=maas_adg_B1CBC1178529532A3880D7D8D9732192_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&_encoding=UTF8&tag=virtualhandca-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=f8721d1f35dcbd0b454c80008da602cd&camp=1789&creative=9325
BUILT UP FOAM GRIPS- https://amzn.to/3IH0KU0
ERGONOMIC CROCHET KIT- https://amzn.to/3asLVWk
*I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases. Thank you for supporting my channel!
TOP 3 FINGER STIFFNESS EXERCISES- https://youtu.be/yN024C1AjSk
HOW TO MEASURE FOR THE OVAL-8 RING SPLINT- https://youtu.be/at9y3izmPW4
I’ll guide you through 30+ finger mobility and hand strengthening exercises in my NEW GET A GRIP Program! https://shop.virtualhandcare.com/get-a-grip/
P.S. I appreciate every subscriber. It’s free and easy to subscribe — just click here: https://www.youtube.com/c/VirtualHandCare
Virtual Hand Care is an ONLINE service for people wanting to maximize their recovery after a hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder injury and for those that want to prevent injuries from happening in the first place!
Set up a one on one Video Consultation with Michelle at https://virtualhandcare.com/
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This video is for educational and demonstration purposes only and is not to be used as a replacement for seeking medical advice or treatment of your condition. Virtual Hand Care, or its members, do not offer medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before starting any exercise program. Please know that performing any exercise or program is solely at your own risk.
Here are 3 Tips to Decrease Finger Arthritis Pain.🙌 I hope you find these tips helpful and effective! Please let me know in the comments below how these worked out for you and how you felt afterward! 💪All links mentioned in the video are in the description above! Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so I can see all your COMMENTS. 🙏
Loving these videos! Very informative and helpful! Thank you! ❤️
Another easy way to make a "brace" for a dip joint is to use a bandaid wrapped around the joint to slightly immobilize it. Great video! Ty!
I'm only 36 and suffering from dip joint arthritis in my hands. So frustrating. I didn't think this was supposed to happen in my 30s!
I've had arthritis pain in one finger for years and I have never thought to research this, and I am so happy I found this. 24/7 pain- with it being more or less but never completely without pain. As a teacher I will have to probably practice writing with my other hand to alleviate pressure, as it's my pointer finger.
Mam.plz tell what to eat and what not to eat in RA
This woman really knows finger pain and how to relieve it
I would love to get those braces. i will look for them online thanks so much
If it’s 10 fingers I can’t imagine wrapping all of them. ( I didn’t realize some ppl only had pain in 1 finger)
Thanks I will try that tape. My fingers on both hands hurt both directions. Can I just wrap tape around my finger top joints. That would be first three fingers on both hands. Any further advice ?
Hello Michelle. I just discovered this video. I'm in my early 50s. I was told I have an autoimmune condition by my hematologist, but still haven't been able to see a rheumatologist. Due to the equipment that I used to run, being a guitarist, and writing without learning to type properly (due to carpal tunnel syndrome) my index fingers have been beaten up. Now, I have a tip of my left index finger turning in and yesterday I started having burning and itching from my index knuckle to my fingertip. Yes, it's the same finger I use for my mouse as well. I don't want my pain and condition to advance. I also have my right index finger knuckle swollen on the inner part as if it has a bony growth. I have my left index finger taped with medical tape from above the knuckle to the tip. So, I can bend it a bit. Are there any videos that give tips on how to avoid my index finger conditions from getting worse? I'd appreciate any help. Thank you.
I'm Ashley laura I have been suffering from Arthritis virus for the past 3 years, i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr Bassey Ayaka On YouTube who cured my Arthritis virus permanently❤️
There are no links below. Where are they?
Every video you post is very helpful !!!!Thank you!
I play guitar .. hate it
Since wrist surgery I have tingling in my hand and fingers