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Shout out @Muscle and Motion for the amazing anatomy graphics.
Do you have any practices in Arizona?
i have this exactly same problem
More manual therapy
You are so full of shit it wouldnt surprise me if you regularly take dumps out of your mouth
Stretching is life saving knowledge
edit I went to your website and read more and sent you a message lol. Thanks for everything you do!
Are there programs/trainers I can reach out to at squat university? Or is it just for YouTube? I'd love to connect with someone when I have the funds come in to make this available.
That's completely bullshit. 😒
Man, I’ve been getting this recently in my left knee – but the pain in the back of the knee. I’ve been seeing a physio and they’re giving me ultrasound therapy and manual therapy once a week but I don’t feel it getting better and can’t really squat without it hurting. I do have a hip shift at the bottom of my squat towards my right side. Any ideas?
You seem way better than my physio… where can I find this type of advanced treatment
How is this doctor called? I want to find such doctor at my local area
Test my legs! I wanna be more flexible
Peace and Christ bless you all!
Stay safe everyone!
Good advice from this video!
So what would you recommend someone do when their hips get tight from having an octopus blow them. Just curious.
Major pain: “ya leggg hurt? 😈 Want me to take yo mind off dat legg? 😈 let me see yo finga”😈
hey squat university, can you help me with my bar placement, I find it incredibly difficult to place bar on my traps so i place is on neck which is painful for max weight please help with my shoulder mobility
Punch the guy in the groin and see if he still has pain in his knee cap.
I started doing warmups for squats bench press and deadlift just like you and your guests showed. Amazing how my body is working better. Amazing job. Thank u!
So cool how much people can benefit from these tips
I really do appreciate all of your informative videos. Several of them have really helped me out thank you