Shoulder Pain Top 3 Exercises – Ask Doctor Jo

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Shoulder Pain Top 3 Exercises These shoulder pain exercises are quick and easy. They can be performed in less than 5 minutes, and you don’t need a lot of equipment to get them done. Read Doctor Jo’s blog post about this video,

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Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy.


More Details About This Video:
If you are in a hurry, and you only have a few minutes to exercise your shoulder, here are the top 3 shoulder exercises. You can use weights or resistive bands. For a light weight, you can use a can of soup or vegetables. Lie down on your side with the injured side up. Keep your elbow bent to 90-degrees by your side. Start with your hand at your stomach, and slowly bring it parallel to the ground. This is shoulder external rotation. Start off with 10-15 and work your way up.

Then switch sides with the injured side on the ground for the second exercise. Still keeping your elbow bent, and by your side, start with your hand on the ground, and slowly pull in up towards your stomach. This exercise is shoulder internal rotation.

The third exercise is going to be rows. Get up on all fours, or quadruped and straighten out your arm. Pull your arm up with your elbow bent to 90-degrees and close to your side. Squeeze that shoulder blade, or scapula up and in towards the middle of your body.

Shoulder Pain Top 3 Exercises:
DISCLAIMER: This video and any related comments are not medical advice. Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy; however, she is not YOUR Physical Therapist and can’t possibly diagnose you through the Internet. So don’t use this information to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they have given you. This information is only intended to show you the correct technique for physical therapy exercises and should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. If you are not properly diagnosed, this information won’t help, and it could make things worse. So seriously, check with your healthcare professional before doing these techniques. If you experience any pain or difficulty while doing these exercises, stop immediately and see your healthcare professional.


AskDoctorJo says:

Buy a printable worksheet with the Shoulder Exercises in this video here:
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Jack Pepper says:

Great stuff Dr. Jo! Thank you for sharing.

SlipBangComedy says:

My shoulder keeps popping out everytime I throw a Left Hook in boxing it's painful I'm so used to the pain it's been popping for years.

Bachelor life says:

During exercise i got injured on left shoulder it's been 7days it's mild paining with mild uneasy ness
If i move my hand too much i feel pain
Now condition is i can't go out because of COVID19 in this condition i need help from u badly plz
Plz help me on this

Janet Hudgins says:

Do you have the exercises for shoulder arthritis on a hard copy that I can print?

James Mccorkle says:

Go Tarheels!

Cindy Norris says:

You've helped me so much. It's not easy getting on the floor (let alone back up again), can I do these exercises on the bed? Bless you.

Michael McCormick says:

I do these in bed.

Goran Seretin says:

Thank you very much, Madam, I hope it will work!

Gregory Wheless says:

I need shoulder replacement on both shoulders so all your shoulder videos have been really helpful. Is that a South Carolina Gamecock blanket ? I lived on Hilton Head Is. from 1985-1989 . Hurricane Hugo was a beast ! Lucky for us it veared north and slammed Charleston . Felt sorry for them though .

Leslie Book says:

thanks so much. if one has a full thickness tear do exercises like these eventually help compensate, relieve pain and prevent surgery?


You look like jessie j. Haha!

Steven B says:

I notice you always do ER to 90 degrees. Are you not suggesting we do external rotation past 90? I usually see people going past 90 degrees.

gameing point says:

This exercise work for me ? im doing exercises, branch press with heavy weight then my left shoulder joint doing pain

Marc Chaves says:

How far should my arm go up on external rotation even is that normal, or should it  go farther?

Kathryn Ludrick says:

jo, thank you for all the vids. They've been a great help. you are one of the best resources, if not the best.


I heard that doing internal rotation exercises may do more harm than good (in terms of imbalance) so external rotation is more key. Is this true?

Anna Marrie says:

I have had the worst recurring neck spasm for about two weeks! RIDICULOUS HARD BALL of muscle on top of shoulder prob from holding my head in the only awful crimped position that is bearable pain wise. It went away at first but returned two days ago.

ANYWAY, these three stretches gave be immediate relief. Not complete of course but some which is ALOT! THANK YOU. I'll keep doing them.

Niko C says:

I have arthritis in my left shoulder and neck, when I stretch I sometimes feel light headed. If I start doing these slowly will it help me get back into shape? Maybe stop the pain and allow me more movement? Don't just wanna jump back in ya dig.

Charles White says:

Having a lot of pain in both my shoulders and I attribute it to playing the piano, particularly those loud chords.  Will your rotator cuff exercises help with the muscles and tendons used for playing the piano.  I've been icing the areas and as well, using the tens machine.  I appreciate your upbeat way of instruction.  Thanks for all you do.

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